The One Who is...NOT by Zeljko Mussovich - HTML preview

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{1} 1 Each emotion represents our physical and mental reaction to environmental and other influences – they reflect our own experience of reality. But, one thing must be crystal clear: the mental component of any emotion appears exclusively as a result of our subjective estimation, i.e., our acceptance or rejection of these influences, and most often our mental reaction has nothing in common with the reality itself. The way we will mentally respond to some situation or a condition in our body depends on how we usually process received information, or how strongly we become attached to it.

{2} 2 This is why (in order for religious explanation of after death events to make sense) upon leaving the dead physical body, the soul must find itself in some kind of spiritual, immaterial (?!) body which, lo and behold, thinks, knows, and feels everything that previous body thought, knew, felt. And, what’s more, “witnesses” say that it looks the same or even better.

{3} 3 A body which weighs 70 kilograms is, so to speak, a store-house for 70 kilograms of energy. The process of “leaving” goes on for as long as there are material remains of that body. As they decompose they emanate energy.

{4} 4 It is more than interesting that WATER “behaves” in the same or similar way: in gaseous condition it is pure, primary, and when it is completely materialized (as a drop of rain, for example), it starts to “accumulate experience”, that is, to tie itself to different elements, and thus becomes contaminated. Water also creates different shapes. After they “die”, it leaves “the body” in the form of steam and returns to its original condition and quality.

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