The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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the MIRACULOUS: dare to do it.


Have you thought about an action that someone has done and every one considers that action miraculous? May be the healing of a person who doctors have written off or even the raising form the dead or a slim escape from a ghastly accident. You would have heard people say “that’s a miracle. This only happens in movies.” Yes there are situations in life that can only be accorded the miraculous unbelievable status.

I have seen miracles happen in my life, family, amongst my friends, acquaintances and those outside my immediate block. With certainty I can say that miracles do happen. I remember watching the UEFA champions’ league final some years back that featured AC Milan and Liverpool. AC Milan had gone ahead to lead in that match 3 goals against Liverpool in the hay days of the Brazilian mercurial Kaka. Everyone had thought that AC Milan would carry the day and no one gave Liverpool a chance but suddenly what could be termed a soccer miracle happened. Liverpool turned the heat and equalized going ahead to win in penalties 4-3 to win. In that match it took a phenomenal Gerard to miraculously turn the game around for Liverpool.

Miracles don’t just happen; it takes a phenomenon to create one. It requires something inspirational, beyond the normal, metaphysical, extraordinary and out of this plain to create something awesome. People who have being phenomenal through history have had something to do with the miraculous. They had dared to act the miraculous.

Jesus the Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Hindi, Eck, were phenomenal in their own special way. They had something to do with the miraculous that still keeps followers generations after they have left earth in awe of them.

In these generation, there are phenomenal persons who are doing remarkable things by trying the miraculous. They acknowledge that the events they currently think impossible, unattainable or beyond reach are actually illusions.

Until now miracles were thought to be the acts reserved for “saints” or “the spiritually called.” But it’s no more. It is now for you who desires to leave the phenomenal life.

If you want to leave the miraculous life, then you have to do something. You must raise the volume on the loving voice within us and turned down the knob that has “fear” written all over it.

Here’s what you will have to do.

  • Understand your fear. Off course no one’s a superman. We must agree that inside us is the fear factor however the feeling of strength we possess. We may be assured of the action of an event but we still doubt if it’s really going to happen. As a student I had huge fear about my results coming good each semester. I needed to be at the top cadre of my class and sincerely I was at the middle with a gross product of around 3.37 of 5. I wanted to climb to the second-class upper cadre at least but this never seemed to come. With each semester my fears increased. Even when I was assured that I had written an A grade course, I feared I was going to end up with a C. Often I would permutate several course grade scenarios to see if I had a chance of getting into the second class upper grade soonest. The great thing was that I was brave enough to shoot ahead accepting that the fear was normal but it was not an hindrance. I kept sight of the goal and I broke into the cadre the last semester of my final year in school. I heaved. You must understand your fears and accept their existence.
  • Show a willingness to change. Once you have a view of what the fears are, you need to develop a willingness to change opening our heart, and mind to new perspective and possibilities gaining renewed energy to push on in the new light. The willingness to see beyond the fear zone raises your consciousness to new possibilities driving the inner man, (the one that wants you to live the phenomenal life) into an ignited state for change. Often the guidance may come in the form of intuition, inspiration or synchronicity.
  • Intuition: you may feel an inner knowledge offering guidance. It’s like getting water from a deep well. It comes in an uncanny flow that absorbs your thoughts.
  • Inspiration: this is a feeling of flow of excitement that comes through when our thoughts and actions are aligned with love.
  • Synchronicity: there are moments when you are thinking about some person and that person happens to call you. Like thinking about your mother and suddenly the next knock on the door is hers.
  • Forgive. It is said that the easiest sin to fall into in Christendom is lying but the most challenging act is forgiving. Forgiveness is a guide to cleansing ourselves of the old, junky lifestyle of fear, worry, doubts and suspicion to that of hope. Not to forgive keeps its victim in perpetual bondage. When we forgive we illuminate love, hope and beam of smiles. Forgiveness is like air, we need it to survive.
  • Show gratitude. Start every new day with a grateful heart. It helps us live in abundance, acceptance and appreciation. However small the act that some person has shown on you, it pays to show gratitude. You must embrace a way of life that is always grateful especially to the Supreme God from whom the whole essence of life strings from.
  • Express love. Love is the greatest commandment for any human existence. It is the crucial ingredient in leaving the miraculous life. You can’t be phenomenal in the miraculous if you don’t love what you are doing. Living with an open heart with love as the summary of our existence gives us purpose helping us embrace life in its fullest. If you must deal with fear, then you must embrace love.

Building these principles in your life pushes you more and more into the miraculous. You become the subject around which others experience the miraculous too. When you experience love, peace and joy and it beams beyond your immediate borders, it attracts others who want to experience these too. While I was at school, I might not have been the most attractive in outlook and appearance and to be frank, I wasn’t close to the average guy at looking great. But my peers often wondered at the life I lived. They would come asking me what the secret of my life is. I always felt great and I did share with them the secret, I had the phenomenal life at view.

I have seen miracles happen through me to others. I’ve helped people who had less believe about themselves and have given them reasons to be joyful and glad. I know that in the twinkle of an eye one impossible situation could turn around and become a testimony. I have being the centre around which these things have happened and you too can be.

Come on phenomenon, live the miraculous life. It is possible and very indeed. I know this because I’ve seen my own life change too. I feel a sense of certainty that there is a power greater than myself supporting my every move, making me into a god the kind we call phenomenal.