The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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Prohibition & Commodity values


I don't confess to be a commodity trader but apparently 1 gram of cocaine costs £100 in London. Go to any local super market and compare this to a 100 gram flapjack for £1 and you can start to get a good understanding of scarcity black market pricing and economics.

It is beyond comprehension and hopefully soon a thing of the past. How could the free press, intelligentsia, intelligence agencies of the world really stand by and watch such abuse of power.

The Internet has changed the global legal framework now more than ever and whether its stoning homosexuals or incarcerating heroin addicts the old school repressive penal system is slowly becoming a thing of the past.

We as a global well educated very well informed populous are no longer so trusting of authority and common sense and egalitarian principles of the golden rule of ‘do unto others as you do unto yourself’ is clearly the future if not the present in most parts of the developed world.

Repression and iron-fisted rules are on there way out if not already extinct. The 1960's generation of free love and the Beatles are currently the ruling class and one doesn't really have to convince people that the writing is on the wall.

We are a generation who don't need to argue too heavily we can fight ignorance with a simple phrase, Google it! This relates to Marijuana, which is now widely recognized as a medicine and a pretty harmless recreational herb.

I am not an advocate of mixing any mind-altering stimulants with potential liabilities. (Operating heavy machinery etc.) Reputation is hard to earn and drugs don’t help.

Marijuana’s well known recreational label places its users in the position that no one will pay you to get high, this can invoke social jealously or stigma associated with lazy weed smokers.

People lose any sympathy for someone who is genuinely suffering tough times emotionally or financially if they are getting high, it's quite the double-edged sword.

A person who gets fired for being high at work could lose his wife, house, kids and then his mind.

The reality of marijuana is its ability to heightening the senses so produce a person who is far more sensitive to criticism.

If someone's seen to be fucking up their life most people are quick to make critical observation and lack patience.

The formulaic and stereotypical path that people follow isn’t now obvious to a person classified as stoned.

My own personal experience with this was that I was legitimately pre-emptively trying to avoid the inevitable cancer or emphysema that Marlboro was likely to cause but simultaneously rendering myself totally unemployable and potentially homeless. Replacing Marlboro with Marijuana was commercially a fucking bad idea to say the least and didn't actually prove to be the cheaper option.

The other more immediate health concerns pre-emptively curing my undiagnosed cancer were pretty stupid at best.

This was admittedly some pretty dumb stoner logic that in retrospect I needed to think through a little more intelligently.

The grey area here is that when I was under pressure financially, struggling to make my way, looking for a sustainable career mixing pot with this financial anxiety was and is tough to justify, the currently illegality means it's not currently a way to self feed.

The real scare I got whilst dating CC was that whilst she had totally won my heart with pot she quickly jokingly diagnosed me a crazy and I could easily foresee this being a seriously dangerous negotiation tactic especially when put into the context of divorce or parental custody.

This is an all too real fear that as a pot smoker no court in the land would give me custody of my unborn kids.

I luckily have not had to face this real sentence but I assure you I would be fucking crazy if some Judge took my kids away on account of my choice of anti-inflammatory. Ibuprofen is twenty times less effective but legal.

The ability for someone to introduce and allow you to use drugs in their presence gives them a special trust. They have something over you that allows you to be high in their company and they accept you being stoned and lowering your guard which means you share some real experiences and expose aspects of your personality that rarely appear, sometimes silly giggles and other times very real emotions and insecurities. The danger is when they say you've had enough or they don't want to share in your consumption patterns. This is the first warning that should be well observed and respected and one should take note that perhaps you should curb your use as well and reign in the habit. Make sure you don't always gets high when your with that person and don't be externally dictated to, take the initiative to organize other activities that don't make your relationship solely about drugs and don't always be the person who supplies or uses in their company.