The Psychic Self Defense Strategy by Erekosee - HTML preview

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What Happens

Here are the signs that you may experience when someone attacks you:

  • Sudden violent attitude change
  • Big changes in attitude without valid reasons
  • Memory loss
  • Significant changes in your capability to think clearly or the so- called analytical capability
  • Unexpected ongoing fatigue without obvious reasons
  • Having a feeling of energy loss
  • Icy cold sensation on some parts or all over your body
  • Hearing the voice of someone regularly
  • Hearing strange voices
  • Frequent or recurrent nightmares
  • Strange accidents
  • Thinking that somebody is watching and observing you
  • Fear or discomfort from an area or room inside your office or home
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Sudden health problems which elude diagnosis
  • Having a disease that is unexplainable
  • Having a feeling that somebody got in contact with you even you are alone
  • Having irrational difficulties or problems with relationships or money
  • Thinking of monsters and having fear of shadows
  • Being depressed without a reason
  • Hallucination
  • Strange fear, sorrow or anger

Having any of these signs will mean that you are under attack. To prevent all of these, you should learn how to protect yourself from the negative influences and energy present in the environment. This is why you should learn the psychic self-defense strategy.
