The Psychic Self Defense Strategy by Erekosee - HTML preview

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Examine It Well

img7.png Mundane – you have to get the individual out of habitual mindset, into a normal and mundane mindset. You should ask him what he or she did yesterday. You may also ask other questions like if they are comfortable with their boss or about their favorite colors.

img7.png Shielding – make energetic shields from a person to hinder energy flows which cause problems. When a person is incapable of making his or her own shield, you can make it for them temporarily.

img7.png Blocking – it is the same with shielding, but it is more on the physical aspect. Put yourself in the physical way between your  own self with something where distress comes from. Blocking provides energetic advantages of protecting yourself from the physical hindrance provided by the supporting blocking power.

img7.png Charging – it is lifting the energy level of a person by placing energy inside their system.

img7.png Re-turning – it is where you return the energy of somebody to a superior vibratory level to manage the higher energy level with no adverse effect.

img7.png Energy-shifting – it is the same with returning, but it’s more on a temporary and smaller scale. It will shift the vibration rate of a person temporarily whether lower or higher for a specific time period only.

img7.png Finding the Equilibrium – your energy will seek and find its balance automatically. This phase is known as equilibrium. You just have to relax to allow more energy to come in and out of your body without the need to force it. This strategy is also ideal when it comes to searching for harmony with the environment.

img7.png Breaking the connections – energetic threads could be created while you work ritually or magically. It often happens while you are unconscious. When you break this connection physically or energetically, finding the solution to your problem will be an easier thing to do.

img7.png Regaining concentration – reminding yourself to concentrate on something that requires you to bring yourself back to a place where you must be.

img7.png Stilling – it is the way of carrying your body to a soothing, steady, relaxed and calm state. This is the physical series of balancing, attuning and centering.

img7.png Centering – this technique is useful when you have a poor ability of focusing on something. This is the psyche version of balancing, stilling and attuning.

img7.png Balancing – this one will work to make your energy level balance. It is the same as equilibrium, but you can use it when you cannot relax to find the balance. Finding the equilibrium will let your energy flow naturally.

img7.png Attuning – you should come in contact with your core spirit. This strategy is the spiritual side of balancing, stilling and centering.

img7.png Closing – to control your energy level effectively, you should close the chakras of a person temporarily. You can do it whether partially or wholly. This technique will help you in preventing the energy flow in and out of that person.

img7.png Cocooning – making a shield or bubble of power around somebody. You can use this to cut off the person from the energy circle without making them aware that you did it.

img7.png Resting – there are times that a person needs breaks, and this will give you a chance to improve the present level of your energy. A short nap and enough sleep will be good for your body to get more energy.

img7.png Remaining present – this is the set of skills that you can use to recognize the feeling that you have lost control of your body like through possession and channeling. Train yourself to become aware about the precaution signs like trace states, impulsive body movement, perceive thoughts, feelings and voices which are not actually from you.

img7.png Shock – a surprising sensation or sound can break someone from the state where his or her attention is absent. A loud sound close to you like a sharp clap of the hands will usually snap somebody out of the altered state. At some point in time, when the case is extremely severe, physical movements like slapping the  face or a a kick to the shin would bring a person back right away without long term or chronic side effects. These must be used only as a last measure, and you should always use this under specific circumstances only.

img7.png Radical grounding – these are the tactics that you can use to instantly remove all excessive energy present in a person. These include the physical, and more than an energetic movement. An example of this is a heel drop. Let the person jump and when he/she is off the ground, ask him/her to lock his/her knees, then to land hard using both his or her heels. Physical jarring will occur when he/she lands, as this will drive his/her energy deep in the ground right away.

img7.png Grounding – this is the last technique that you can use to improve your energy, but this is also considered as the most frequently used technique. It is suggested to be used on almost every situation and it is typically the wrong way to do it. When you have poor energy levels, this technique would not be the best technique to use on your case. When you are suffering from imbalance or energy blockage, this technique would not be helpful for you. When you try to build your energy, this technique  will tend to suck the energy out of your body. When trying to make yourself “mobile” and “fluid”, grounding will affect this process and it will keep you ingrained. It would only be useful if you have extra strength to avoid something. Usually, you could just perform some magical things and reflect the energy without intent at the back of it. This way, you will get the advantage of avoiding the energy, but it is important to keep this as a goal.

As you can see, there are several ways that you can use to learn how to control the level of your energy. These strategies will help you have a better capacity to control your inner side, so that you can concentrate better outside. Controlling your energy is also an aspect of the psyche self-defense strategy.