The Psychic Self Defense Strategy by Erekosee - HTML preview

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What To Do

To overcome your fear, you should try the following steps. In doing so, you can boldly face something that scares you.

  1. Make a list of all the things that scare you. Don’t hold back, and then write them all. You are free to write anything, like if you are afraid to die, of heights, to fail or anything else that makes you afraid. Write everything and give ranks to them using the 1 to 5 scale. The rate that you will give to them will depend on the way they affect your whole life. Use 1 for those that make you less scared, while 5 for those things that have great effects to your life.
  2. Create a list of the things that you resist because you are afraid to try them. This could be that you think twice to accept the help of others or you do not want to relocate to another city or state. Write them down, then use a similar ranking system to the one you used for the list of all your fears.
  3. Begin with the fears that have the highest scores and those things that you resist. Ask yourself the reasons why you are afraid of those things and also the reasons why you tend to resist some of these things. Write down all your reasons for all your fears and resistance. Make a counter-statement dedicated to each of them. For instance, when you are afraid of death because of a plane crash, you can answer that statement by thinking of the truth that there are millions of tourists who ride on a plane without an accident every day.
  4. Imagine that you are doing something that makes you afraid. Try to imagine that you are doing all movements with a positive mind. Write down everything you observe about yourself and the way you feel after the completion of the act. Do this process for every fear you have in your list.
  5. Begin to release your fears and start to do something that will never leave a big impact towards your life. When you see that everything is alright, it will become easier for you to gain confidence to face the things you used to be afraid of.

Fear is a hindrance for a person to have a strong mind and improved mental strength. When it comes to a psyche self-defense strategy, you have to learn that overcoming your fears is a very important thing. By doing the steps above, you will have a stronger mind that is free from negative energies caused by your fears. So, why be afraid when fear is all in the mind? Always remember that a life lived in fear is a life half lived.