The Science of Getting Rich by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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Chapter 3. Is Opportunity Monopolized?

NO man is kept poor. Because opportunity. Has been taken away from him. Because other people have monopolized the wealth. And have put a fence around it. You may be shut off. From engaging. In business. In certain lines. But there are. Other channels. Open to you. Probably. It would be hard. For you. To get control. Of any. Of the. Great railroad systems. That field is pretty well monopolized. But the electric railway business is still in its infancy. And offers. Plenty. Of scope for enterprise. It will be. But a very few years. Until anti-gravity traffic and transportation through the air. Will become a great industry. And in all its branches. Will give employment. To hundreds.

Of thousands. And perhaps. To millions. Of people. Why not turn your attention. To the development. Of teleportation transportation. Instead. Of competing. With petroleum giants. Or electricity giants. Now dinosaurs. Due to the free green wireless energy. That gamma dark energy. Promises. To be?

It is quite true. That. If you are a workman. In the employ. Of the steel trust. You have very little chance. Of becoming. The owner. Of the plant. In which you work. But it is also true. That. If you. Will commence. To act in a Certain Way. You can soon. Leave. The employ.

Of the steel trust. You can buy a farm. Of from ten. To forty acres. And engage. In business. As a producer. Of foodstuffs. There is great opportunity. At this time. For men who. Will live. Upon small tracts. Of land. And cultivate the same intensively. Such men will certainly get rich. You may say. It is impossible for you. To get the land. But I am going. To prove. To you. It is not impossible. And that you can certainly. Get a farm. if you will go. To work. In a Certain Way.

At different periods. The tide. Of opportunity. Sets in different directions. According. To the needs. Of the whole. And the particular stage. Of social evolution. Which has been reached. At present. In America. It is setting toward agriculture. And the allied industries. And professions. Today. Opportunity. Is open.

Before the factory worker. In his line. It is open. Before the business man. Who supplies the farmer. More than before the one. Who supplies. The factory worker. And before the professional man. Who waits. Upon the farmer. More than before the one. Who serves. The working class.

There is abundance. Of opportunity. For the man. Who will go. With the tide. Instead. Of trying. To swim. Against it.

So the factory workers. Either as individuals. Or as a class. Are not deprived. Of opportunity. The workers are not being "kept down" by their masters. They are not being. "Ground". By the trusts. And combinations. Of capital. As a class. They are where they are. Because. They do not do things. In a Certain Way. If the workers of America. Chose to do so. They could follow.

The example of their brothers. In Belgium. And other countries. And establish great department stores. And co-operative industries. They could elect men. Of their own class. To office. And pass laws. Favoring the development. Of such co-operative industries. And in a few years. They could take peaceable possession. Of the industrial field.

The working class. May become the master class. Whenever they will begin to do things in a Certain Way. The law. Of wealth. Is the same. For them. As it is. For all others. This they must learn. And they will remain. Where they are. As long. As they continue. To do. As they do. The individual worker. However. Is not. Held down. By the ignorance. Or the mental slothfulness.

Of his class. He can follow. The tide. Of opportunity. To riches. And this book. Will tell him how.

No one. Is kept. In poverty. By a shortness. In the supply. Of riches. There is more than enough for all. A palace. As large as the capitol. At Washington. Might be built. For every family. On earth. From the building material. In the United States alone. And under intensive cultivation. This country would produce. Wool. Cotton. Linen. And silk. Enough. To clothe. Each person. In the world. Finer than Solomon was arrayed. In all his glory. Together. With food enough. To feed. Them all luxuriously.

The visible supply. Is practically inexhaustible. And the invisible supply. Really IS inexhaustible.

Everything you see on earth. Is made. From one original substance. Out of which. All things proceed.

New Forms. Are constantly. Being made. And older ones are dissolving. But all are shapes. Assumed by One Thing.

There is no limit. To the supply. Of Formless Stuff. Or Original Substance. The universe is made out of it. But it was not all used. In making the universe. The spaces in. Through. And between. The forms. Of the visible universe. Are permeated. And filled. With the Original Substance. With the formless Stuff. With the raw material. Of all things. Ten thousand times. As much. As has been made. Might still be made. And even then. We should not have exhausted. The supply. Of universal raw material.

No man. Therefore. Is poor. Because nature. Is poor. Or because there is not enough. To go around.

Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse. Of riches. The supply. Will never run short. Original Substance. Is alive. With creative energy. And is constantly producing more forms. When the supply. Of building material. Is exhausted. More. Will be produced. When the soil. Is exhausted. So that. Food stuffs. And materials. For clothing. Will no longer grow upon it. It will be renewed. Or more soil. Will be made. When all the gold. And silver. Has been dug from the earth. If man. Is still. In such. A stage. Of social development. That he needs. Gold. And silver. More will produced. From the Formless. The Formless Stuff responds. To the needs. Of man. It will not let him. Be without. Any good thing.

This is true. Of man collectively. The race. As a whole. Is always. Abundantly rich. And if individuals are poor. It is because. They do not follow. The Certain Way. Of doing things. Which makes the individual man rich.

The Formless Stuff. Is intelligent. It is stuff. Which thinks. It is alive. And. Is always impelled. Toward more life.

It is the natural. And inherent impulse. Of life. To seek. To live more. It is the nature. Of intelligence. To enlarge itself. And. Of consciousness. To seek. To extend. Its boundaries. And find fuller expression. The universe. Of forms. Has been made. By Formless Living Substance. Throwing itself. Into form. In order. To express. Itself. More fully.

The universe. Is. A great Living Presence. Always. Moving. Inherently toward more life. And fuller functioning.

Nature. Is formed. For the advancement. Of life. Its impelling motive. Is the increase. Of life. For this cause. Everything. Which. Can possibly minister to life. Is bountifully provided.

There can be no lack. Unless God. Is to contradict himself. And nullify his own works.

You are not kept poor. By lack. In the supply. Of riches. It is a fact. Which I shall demonstrate. A little farther on. That even.

The resources. Of the Formless Supply. Are. At. The command. Of the man. Or woman WHO will act and think. In a Certain Way.