The Secret to Positive Thinking by Lisa Roy - HTML preview

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4. Reward yourself for every little win and achievement


When you’re aiming for perfection, you’re never going to experience rewarding yourself for a job well done because you’re never going to achieve whatever it is you’re aiming for. Whereas if you strive for excellence, you’ve got plenty of chances to reward yourself.

There are so many benefits of having a reward system in place. You become more motivated, and you become more inspired to continue on with your journey.

However, if you don’t achieve your goals right away, you can still reward yourself. How? By rewarding yourself for your effort, for trying, for doing your best! You should always remind yourself to think positively – thanks to your efforts, you’re now closer to reaching your goals!

5. Focus on doing some positive action

When you get so hung up on trying to be perfect, you end up not doing anything at all. This is what’s known as ‘analysis paralysis.’ You’re analyzing every little thing. You’re constantly fretting about small details which in the long run won’t really make an impact on your goals.

For instance, if we go back to the online business example, if you constantly worry about the font faces, the font sizes, the colors, the background images, the size of the logo, and stuff like that, then it doesn’t really bring you closer to launching your business, does it?

Who knows maybe tomorrow you’d think a different color would look good with that new background photo you just found today. You’d totally end up undoing all the work you’ve done the previous day!

When you focus on doing some positive action, you’re pushing yourself to move forward. As long as you do something that brings you closer to achieving your dreams, that’s a positive thing right there. You can always improve later on, but the point is that you’re at least doing something and you’re not stuck in overthinking mode.