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Chapter 10 – Spread Your Positivity


"You have to be the type of person that generates positive energy and avoids negative energy, instead of fortifying it." - Stephen Covey

In a perfect world, only positive things would be happening. We would only have positive emotions and positive thoughts. But alas, this isn’t what we experience in this life.

There are plenty of positive thinkers in this world. However, the sad reality is that negative thinkers outnumber them. Think about your family and friends – would you say you have more positivethinking friends, or do you have more negative thinkers in your circle?

If you’re surrounded by positive people, then that’s really good for you. However, if you’re like the majority, you would be surrounded by negative thinkers. People who doubt themselves all the time, people who are so pessimistic they can’t ever see the positive side of things, people who try to pull everybody down with them.

Throughout this course, you’ve learned the many wonderful benefits of positive thinking. In this chapter, you’re going to learn how you can help others overcome their negativity slowly but surely.

1. Walk the talk

If you want to share your positivity with the world around you, then you better act like you’re a genuinely positive person. You have to lead by example, so to speak.

You can’t have positive things come out of your mouth when you’re in front of people, and the moment they turn their backs, or when no one’s around to see, then you turn negative. You’re not fooling those people, you’re only fooling yourself.

2. Use positive words when talking to people

Some people have a way with words. Unfortunately, most of us don’t. We can be awkward in social situations, or we might not think things through before we blurt out something in public.

To spread some positivity around, you’re going to have to be careful about the kind of words you speak. You don’t need to have a silver tongue, you just need to know the difference between positive and negative words. Words do have power.

When you speak, remember to use positive words.

3. Give constructive feedback

Far too many people are quick to give negative feedback when the occasion calls for it. In some cases, such feedback may be warranted. However, for positivity’s sake, try to give constructive feedback instead.

Instead of only pointing out what’s wrong, mention the good points as well. When you point out the mistakes, you can tell them how they can improve on it so that they can do a better job next time. When you give feedback like this, the other person won’t feel as bad and will appreciate your input.

4. Be grateful and say thank you

Every little positive thing you do counts. You may not know the person behind the counter at your favorite fast food restaurant, but they probably rarely get thanked by their customers. The sad fact is, most of the time, we take other people for granted.

So, when you take the time to say thank you to someone who’s helped you in some way, you’re making that person feel better about themselves. Who knows you might even make their entire day!

5. Avoid laying blame

It’s so easy to play the blame game. You can point fingers all you want, but is that really going to help the situation? If you start a fight, would that help finish the project or pay the bills?

How about if you just calm down for a bit and think about how you can help resolve the problem? The person behind the mess may already be feeling bad about it, there’s no need to add to the negativity.

6. Point out the positives in a negative situation

Optimists will always look for the silver lining. That’s because no matter how bad life gets, there’s always going to be something positive waiting on the other side. It’s like seeing the rainbow after the rain.

In negative situations, most people around you will probably react negatively. They’ll think of the worst. As a positive person, what you need to do is point out the positive aspects no matter how far away or how impossible it may seem at that particular point in time.

7. Focus on finding solutions

A negative thinker will come up with only more problems. What you can do is give out useful suggestions on how a problem can be resolved. Much like playing the blame game, nothing good will ever happen if all anyone can think of is why they shouldn’t be doing something. Think of positive ways you can move forward – that’s what a real positive thinker will do!

8. Be excited about what the future holds

Most negative thinkers will think of a bleak future. Sure, they may have dreams too, however, the moment something bad happens, all their hopes and dreams go crashing down.

A positive thinker, on the other hand, will never stop chasing their dreams. They can get derailed, but they’ll always find another way to get back up and go after what they want in life.

Your excitement about your future can be contagious. You don’t have to share it with the whole world via social media, but it’s always a good idea to let your loved ones in.

9. Smile and be kind

Smiling and being kind to other people is always a good idea, especially if you know that person can benefit from it. You can make it a habit to do something kind for people – they could be your friends or total strangers. The point is that you’ll be spreading some positivity in your own way, and that person can even pay it forward by being kind to other people, too!

When you’re feeling down yourself, continue smiling and being kind to others. Pretty soon you’ll forget you were even feeling sad. Doing something positive for others will help you feel better in no time at all.

10. Be a good listener

There comes a time when our patience is exhausted, and the only way to feel better is by letting it all out. When you’ve got a loved one who feels the need to vent or rant, just listen. Nod along at appropriate times or something from time to time just to let them know you’re actually listening and not thinking about how you can get out of there.

Show that person that you care. You don’t have to agree with what they’re saying, but the fact that you took the time to listen will make that person feel much better afterwards.

Are You Ready To Start Using The Astonishing Power Of Positive Thinking?


A positive attitude can get you where you want to be in life. You can go after your dreams, you can achieve long-lasting happiness and fulfillment thanks to the power of positive thinking.

With positivity, you’re not limited to living your life in a box or in your comfort zone. You’re not afraid of failing. In fact, you embrace it because you know it’s going to help you out immensely in the long run. You’re not afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone because you know it’s the only way you can move forward and upward in life.

Positive thinking can open a lot of doors for you, and if you share your positivity with the world, you can even make the world a little bit better one person at a time.

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