The Seven Laws of Seduction: How to Attract Beautiful Women and Enjoy a Supercharged Sex Life by FLASH STAR - HTML preview

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By now you should be well into your thirty-day challenge. Perhaps you’ve even completed it. The experience of approaching one hundred women along with a knowledge of the Seven Laws of Seduction will fundamentally change your success with women forever.

When you come to the end of the thirty days, it’s time to sit back and take stock. Look over your notes, and think hard about the approaches you’ve made, the successes and failures you’ve experienced. What did you do well? What went poorly? Perhaps there was one particular sticking point that kept coming up again and again that prevented you from getting the results you would have liked. This is something you need to work on. Look back through this book. Is it covered here? Or is it something you can run past your group of male friends? Or perhaps you know what the answer is already. Maybe you are simply not holding strong enough eye contact when you talk to women, for example. Now, for the next few weeks, you should make it your goal to correct this, so every time you talk to a girl, practice fixing her with strong, sexy eye contact. Make that your primary focus in the interaction. It is an ability to identify sticking points and a willingness to refine your technique that will start to get you exceptional results with women.

Understand this point: Whatever any dating company looking to make a quick buck might tell you, there is no single, infinitely repeatable model or technique that is going to make you successful with women every time. The world is too multifarious and complex for that, and there are too many shifting variables. Every woman is different, and every single situation in which you find yourself is subtly or not-so-subtly different. The Seven Laws of Seduction are universal, but you will always need to have your fundamentals down; you should always believe in abundance; you will always have to create opportunities for yourself, and so on. That is why this book doesn’t concentrate too heavily on lines to use or other external techniques, and one of the core messages here is that you should simply do whatever you can to extend the interaction in the moment.

Don’t worry that what you say may not be smooth or sound lame—sometimes, lame works . The truth of the matter is that women are biomechanically programmed to be attracted to men. If you are a man and you have your fundamentals in place, then you are already good enough to attract any woman. What you need to do is to create as many opportunities as you can to interact with those you are attracted to and then expose them to your personality and to your masculine energy for as long as possible. If you go out and interact with women consistently and for long enough, you will start to observe certain overarching, meta-level patterns, which will give you the opportunity to tweak your approach and better calibrate yourself to the next similar situation. But realise that there is no 100 percent surefire method that will work in every case, and that rejection is an inevitable part of the process. As I’ve said, you should learn to love rejection. It shows that you’re in the game and that you’re one step closer to a yes. Delve deep into your masculine core and develop a hunter’s instinct. Remember that men build and create. There is nothing more satisfying than going out and creating a great interaction or finding a new sex partner that you had never previously met before.

I believe that the people who become really successful at seduction and probably anything else in life are simply those who want it badly enough. In his book Mastery , Robert Greene talks about the theory that to get really good at anything, one needs to spend 10,000 hours practicing it. While I am not suggesting that you immediately timetable out the next decade of your life to incorporate 10,000 hours of chatting up girls, the point is clear. The path to mastery is through repetition and time. I wouldn’t like to hazard a guess as to how long I’ve spent on this, but 10,000 hours probably isn’t far off the mark— hours and hours in nightclubs and bars and out in the street, interacting with women I’d never met before, practicing different techniques and all because I wanted it badly enough . The great news about mastery, though, and the central message of Greene’s book, is that anyone can acquire it. It’s just a matter of spending the time and being open all kinds of influences, even those seemingly unrelated to the matter at hand. By remaining open, internalising the Seven Laws of Seduction, and make interacting with many different women a part of your life so habitual that you don’t even think about it anymore, the universe will open up and show you the way to mastery. And remember:

It’s always better to open than not to open.

It’s always better to do a lame approach than none at all.

It’s always better to show masculine-feminine polarity than not.

It’s always better to push the interaction to the extreme than not.

Go out and enjoy the journey.

If you would like to contact me with any questions, requests for advice, or success stories, then send me a message at or visit: .


