Think & Achieve by Elijah Chai - HTML preview

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Human life, its growth, its hopes, fears, loves, et cetera, are the results of accidents.

Bertrand Russell




He that leaveth nothing to chance will do few things ill, but he will do very few things.

George Savile




There is danger in reckless change, but greater danger in blind conservatism.

Henry Glasgow




God does not play dice with the universe.

Albert Einstein




We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don’t like?

Jean Cocteau




Today even our clocks are not made of clockwork so why should our world be? With the advent of quantum mechanics, the clockwork world has become a cosmic lottery. Fundamental events, such as the decay of a radioactive atom, are held to be determined by chance, not law.

Ian Stewart




The cards you hold in the game of life mean very little — it’s the way you play them that counts.




The problem with chance is that while you’re outside looking for a horseshoe or rabbit’s foot, you may miss opportunity knocking.