Think & Achieve by Elijah Chai - HTML preview

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Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

James Baldwin




He or she is greatest who contributes the greatest original practical example.

Walt Whitman




Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.

Mark Twain




Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means.

Albert Einstein




Practice yourself what you preach.

Titus Maccius Plautus






No one is completely worthless--they can always serve as a bad example.




The best way to give advice is to set a good example.




Example is better than precept.




Two dimwitted ditchdiggers got upset by the fact that they did all the hard work and received only one-tenth of the pay of the crew boss. Finally deciding to confront his boss, one guy climbed out of the ditch and went over to the foreman, who was leaning against a tree reading the racing form. “How come we do all the hard work while you sit here and earn ten times as much?” he demanded.

“Intelligence” was the crew boss’s answer. “Let me give you an example.” He put his hand in front of the tree. “See my hand? Hit it as hard as you can.”

The ditchdigger took a mighty swing, the boss moved his hand at the last minute, and commented to the worker, now clutching his bruised fist, “See what I mean?”

Back in the ditch, the second guy eagerly questioned his friend, “It’s a matter of intelligence” was the reply. “Let me give you an example: hit my hand as hard as you can.” And he held it up in front of his face.