Think & Achieve by Elijah Chai - HTML preview

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Success is often elusive to many people, and some view it as an impossible goal. This popular view has led to much hair-pulling and frustration, and some have abandoned all hope of ever becoming successful or achieving success in any measure.


It is, however, attainable, and the first step to doing so is to start believing that Success is ever-present. It is waiting to be discovered, and one has to clear one’s mental barrier that he or she is not meant to be a success in life.


Whatever one’s regard for positive thinking or the more fashionable Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP), or even for more esoteric psychotherapeutic terms such as Scripting la Affect Imagery Consciousness), it cannot be denied that one’s position largely emanates from one’s thought life. What you think is what you become. What you feed on has an accumulative effect on your results, be they physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual. This truism is ever-prevalent in all facets of life.


This little book contains quotes and sayings of the world’s greats, of bygone ages and more recent times. To sit at their feet and listen to their words is no small matter; it could change your life! Allow yourself some time and space in your busy-ness to hear what they have to say.