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Chapter 11: Energy Transfer

I already prove that as humans, we have unlimited potential energy. And to build upon the types of energy that we create, we must have freedom of thought. Without freedom of thought, we cannot continue to harness new forms of energy and to make our life-experience within our universe to get better as we move towards the future.

Unfortunately, as humans, we sometimes let our freedom of thought to wander into negative places. For instance, it is possible to let one serious argument get to us emotionally, which then affects our energy level in a variety of ways. Some of us may have anger issues, and after absorbing the negative energy of an argument with someone, we can decide to let out our energy of anger through violent ways. Sometimes we let tragedies affect us, and the sadness can develop into something more disturbing, such as a serious depression, which we then let our energy dwell upon the negative aspects of life. The examples I make I am sure many of us have felt in one way or another, at least once in our life. As the saying goes, no ones life is perfect.

However, it remains important for all of us to not dwell in the negative aspects of life or to let negative outcomes get to us all the time, as such attitudes will not help us develop for the better as we move towards the future. By having freedom of thought, we also have the freedom of choice to allow certain energies to be absorbed or to be ignored. For example, if I have a very serious argument with someone about a topic that is very sensitive to me, I have the choice to not let it affect me so much so that I decide to get angry all the time. I have the simple choice of letting go of such negative energy. Sometimes, sadness is a big reality for many of us. However, we can choose to absorb positive energies that are always around us to overcome such sadness, e.g. from encouragement of our loved ones, in order to proceed well with our lives.

Secondly, it is very crucial for us to be able to transfer our own source of energy to other people in the most constructive ways possible. In the field of business, for instance, when people pay us for certain works to be completed, no matter the circumstances that may be happening in our lives, we must make sure that we only offer our best energy to our customers and clients. Even if things are so bad where money becomes a problem, when we transfer our energy to other people, it is crucial that they only take the best sources from us. How this is to be done should be made from our own best judgments. As long as we can keep the human kinetic energy chain moving forward in the most positive aspects as possible, such positive energy will continue to spread to more and more people. Of course, things will never run perfectly and always so smoothly in life, but what is the point of living if everything is always easy and perfect all the time? Life is meant to be challenging.

Third, though our human body is almost irrelevant in making our human potential energy to be able to reach infinite heightsas our mind will do most of that workour human body is a very important form of mass that we must constantly care for. Without the body, the mind cannot exist. Unfortunately, many of us do not care for our bodies the way we should. As a matter of fact, obesity is now becoming a world-wide problem. Many people forget how important health is in life. When we lose material things such as money or property, we always have the chance to get right back up and regain our losses. All it takes is a strong spirit and the harnessing of good kinetic energy. However, when we lose our health, it can be the end of everything. Moreover, if we live an unhealthy life-style, it will be difficult to make life itself a good experience. Activities such as exercise, hiking, swimming, and even personal training should be a part of everyones game-plan. We must continually make our mass move and release energy so that our mass will remain healthy and strong even as we advance to an old age.

As we keep moving forward, never forget the principle of maintaining good human kinetic energy. The more challenges we face in life, the more important it is to remember to stay positive. Whenever you face a defeat, dont let such losses overcome you. Fight the good fight. Accomplish your goals. And keep your body strong as you move forward. The better we get at maintaining these principles, the better life will be for everyone.