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Chapter 13: The J-10 Method

I wish to conclude my research with a very important strategy that can help anyone in life, which I label as The J-10 Method.

The J-10 Method is a strategy I acquired from a book called The Magic of Time written by Sunhye Jung and Youngwoo Suh. There are many life-changing tips we can find from their work and I highly recommend everyone to read it (written in Korean, but I hope to see English translations sold soon). And I wish to discuss the J-10 Strategy as it applies perfectly with Tigers Law.

The J-10 Method helps us all to focus on our goals. And if we always remember to keep our kinetic energy strong as we move towards them, the journey should never be stressful or worrisome. In fact, the acquisition of all our desires should become much more fluid and more apparent.

To begin, imagine where you wish to be, who to become, or what to do, in the next 10 years. We all set yearly goals, or monthly goals in life, but the character known as J in The Magic of Time encourages us to set a 10 year goal. This idea of a 10 year goal gives us a perfect framework for our future, as nearly all of our dreams that we wish to acquire will take an immense amount of work and time. A dream is not worth dreaming about if it can be acquired so easily. And if we continually strive to become or do what we wish to do in the next 10 years, it gives us a greater sense of purpose in life. J also suggests that we tell our friends or family members our goals that we wish to accomplish in 10 years, as they will later remind us if we are heading towards the right direction.

Next, pick 10 significant events that happen every year in the course of our lives, and then strategize from those 10 events to move forward accordingly. For instance, let us say that one of my goals in the next 10 years is to become a home-owner. Then it will probably be best to write 1-3 events (more or less) that happened to me recently which either helped or hindered my progress into buying a new home, then strategize from those events so that I can make the right choices as I move into the future. After you write down these events and strategies, keep them close by so that you can see them often. I keep my list currently on top of my computer desk. Every so often I read my 10-event strategies out loud so that I can constantly remind myself of my progress. Such habits will help anyone who is serious about reaching his/her personal goals in life. In fact, I am very grateful for learning this method from J and the authors of The Magic of Time.

We all understand that moving from Point A to Point B is never perfectly linear. Sometimes we head towards goal Point B but realize that it was a huge mistake or worse, that it was an awful failure, and that C was a better choice. Then from Point C we realize we must work even harder to acquire Points X, Y, and Z. Because we always encounter such unanticipated events in life, I strongly feel that the J-10 Method is a great tool to help us stay focused. The less we stress about our plans, the more good kinetic energy that we harness as we move forward, and by having set targets clearly written and planned, nothing should stop us from reaching our desires. The old habits of believing that things are too hard, that the economy is bad, that resources are limited, etc. must stop. According to my conclusions of c², there is no point to Gods creation if things are to continually progress for the worse. And the more we keep hindering ourselves into believing that things are bad or impossible the less God can help us grow into our fullest potentials.

Apply the J-10 Method. Keep moving forward to Points A, B, C, D, etc. You will reach your mark. And never forget for a second that God is always helping you to get there. So always have the attitude of gratitude as we go.

We will all end up as winners.