Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

A Bit About Stars

An interesting description of the effect of stars is given as a call to them by Rishi Gargya in Sukta 19.7

19.7.1 In the sky stars can be seen shining and moving in a variety of ways. Desirous of achieving samadhi

I worship God through vedamantras.

19.7.2 Hey God! may Krittika and Rohini be comfortable, may Mrigashira be auspicious, may Ardra be

peaceful, may Punarvasu be bright, may Pushya be favorable, and may Ashlesha and Magha be showing

the right directions.

19.7.3 May Purva and Uttara Phalguni be holy, Hasta be comfort giving, Chitra and Swati be auspicious.

Hey result giving Vishakha be easy to be invited. May Anuradha Jyeshta, and beautiful Nakshatra Moola

be free of trouble.

19.7.4 May Poorvashada give me food and the shining Uttara be filled with energy. May Abhijit give only

virtuous deeds. May Sravan and Sravishta give nourishment.

19.7.5 May Shatabhisha give extensive progress. May Proshtapada give me great joy and peace. May

Ashwayuja and Bharani bring in great wealth.

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