Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

On Honorable Guests

Visits by learned Rishis, saints and Brahmins are considered as highly auspicious events for any household.

Vedas describe the immense potential benefits that follow such a visit if they are handled correctly.

Certain guidelines for the decorum to be maintained can also be found in the Vedas.

9.6.1 The favorable words of the learned guest are like Veda-Vakyas (they will come true). (Rishi Brahma)

9.6.3 As you wait for the guest you acquire good qualities. When the guest says " this is plenty," then surely you increase your life span.

9.6.3. 7 But because the guest is a learned person it is necessary that you do not eat before he eats. Those who offer milk to the guest receive as much fruits as by doing a Somayaga in the spring time. Those who gift water, beget good children and are loved by children. When he looks toward the guest he performs his joyful actions; when he greets the guest, he

praises his fortune; when he gives water politely he sings the Veda hymns; when he offers dinner then he

receives immense wealth. Whoever knows this acquires glory, children and all forms of wealth. He who serves a learned guest reaches the same divine world as the learned guest.

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