Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 44

Power of Making a Resolution

There is a paired word "sankalpa-siddhi". There is great power hidden in making the right sankalpa or

resolution. Rishi Atharvangira hints at the source of this power in Sukta 19.4

19.4.1 One of the very first things God has created, that hey man! I am giving you again and again. By that,

using the energy and knowledge accumulated in the heart, may the learned man achieve whatever he


19.4.2 I bring out the divinely gifted sankalpa shakti. She is the mother of the mind. May it be easy to call

her. May that wish which I receive be desirable for me and may it be attained.

19.4.3 Hey Lord of knowledge! along with sankalpa, be closely accessible to us. Gift us wealth and may we

be naturally worthy of calling you.

18.4.4 Hey Lord of knowledge! may my sankalpa power know these words well " may the same good

desires and fine qualities which highly and thoroughly learned ones possess come to us favorably."

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