Tongues Of Fire by Brian Ike - HTML preview

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This is the point you’ve been waiting for. Oral sex a.k.a cunnilingus. I'm going to show you now a step-by-step guide on how to take her to heaven on the wings of ecstasy using these simple tricks.

Obviously, what worked for Nkechi or Tanya may not work for Lucy or Toyosi. If you stick with my instructions, you’ll likely give her the best oral of her life. Read on to find out how…

STEP 1. The comforting stage.

This part involves everything I said earlier about hygiene, warming her up and setting the mood.

Trail a hot path with your tongue as you kiss her down her jaw, her neck, her tummy, down to her navel/belly button. If you get to her belly button and she doesn’t stop you, then everything is groovy.

 If on the other hand, if she resists, tell her in a low assuring tone that you’ve got this under control. Assure her that you promise to make it memorable for her.

Women need to know you’re confident and sure of your actions. They need you to take the lead. Confidence is damn sexy!

STEP 2. Positioning.

This part is one of the most important part of oral sex. It involves both the comfort of your partner and yours as well. THE WRONG POSITIONING WILL GIVE YOU A NECK CRAMP OR GIVE HER LESS PLEASURE.

The right positioning will also make it easy for you to locate the ultimate G-spot which is has forever deluded most men from time immemorial.

  • STANDING: have her to stand while you kneel. Make sure not to squat as you’ll get uncomfortable with time. Lift one of her legs over your shoulders in other to gain more room into her. Also make sure she leans against a wall or pillar as the sensations about to hit her may make her dizzy and lose her stance.
  • LYING DOWN: have her on lying on her back. Put a pillow or two under her butt to lift her pelvis up, which will give you a better view and access into her vagina. This elevated position will make her feel fantastic and a little wild (like a bad girl feel). Keep her legs wide open. The wider the better opening you have to work with. It helps the sensation. You may want to kneel with a pillow between your knees for cushioning. Or you can lie down with your face in between her legs.
  • ELEVATED PANEL: sit her on a chair or table with her hips piercing on the edge in other to give you easy access. Have either one or both her legs over your shoulders and get to work.

STEP 3. Kill.

This is the point where you go in for the kill.

You must start off in a teasing manner at first. Start by kissing her inner thighs and the pubic hairline below her navel. Pull them slightly with your lips. A slight lick of the tongue up and down is good the outer lips of the vagina (the Corpus cavernosum & Crus of clitoris on the diagram above).


It should be like a rising wave. Then you build up momentum. Making sure to follow her body language, knowing when to slow than and when to continue doing just what you do. Judge your moves based on her reaction.

Don’t make her feel hurried. Some women like hard pressure while others prefer a lighter touch.

You may spread her vagina lips and go in with your tongue to the inner smaller lips. Move an arm under her leg and grab her hips. Or let it rest on her pubic hair.  Keep it shallow at first.

Your tongue and jaw will feel tired after a while. When you need to rest, you may massage her swollen mold with your palm.

Go in deep later. You may insert a finger and maybe two with your tongue still in place inside her (this may be uncomfortable to some women). Just slide the finger/s in and out or all directions but with a particular pattern still paying attention to her body reactions.

NOTE, your goal is to make her feel good not to make her orgasm. So, do not be so focused on making her come that you forget that she may not always come each time you give her orals. When you act like it's the only place in the world you’ll rather be, then it’ll be very pleasurable to her.

The G-spot…

To locate the G-spot which is the core of all pleasures a woman feels, insert a finger or two into her now. She will be probably wet by now. When your fingers are in position and after a few minutes of sliding in and out, turn your hands upwards so you can see your palm then make a ‘come here’ sign with the fingers inside her.

You will feel a bump the size of a peanut or maybe bigger or smaller. It may feel spongy. THAT IS THE ALMIGHTY G-SPOT. Rub it with your fingers in a circular motion and watch your woman go crazy!

Now, I want you not to mistake the G-spot with the clitoris. They are quite separate.

See the diagram above to see the location of the clitoral gland. It is located outside the vaginal opening.

The above steps alone are enough but stimulating the clit is necessary too.