Turning Your Talent into Money by Isaac John Akagu - HTML preview

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“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee… ” (2 Timothy 1:6)

Gifts are meant to be stirred up. There’s a common illustration that says “tea only becomes sweet when it is stirred.” If it’s not stirred up, the sugar will lay dormant at the bottom of the cup.

Similarly, your talent must be stirred up –or put to work, if your life is ever going to be sweet. In the previous chapter, I talked about not neglecting your talent. Now you must know what it means to, and how to stir up your God-given potential.

The New Living Translation of the verse above tells us to “fan into flames” our talents. This reminds me of what we normally do when using firewood. In order to keep the fire burning, we have to fan the hot coal into flames again whenever the fire was going down.

Every star that must shine in the kingdom has to be stirred up. You need to fan your giftings into flames. You need to start taking bold steps toward your life’s assignment. You need to break out of your comfort zone.

Discover Your Passion

The first step toward stirring up your gift is discovery. You need to discover your passion. Michael Dell discovered a passion for dissembling and re-assembling computer parts. The result today is Dell computers. The secret to your future is in what you enjoy. Do you enjoy the company of children a lot? You should think about starting an impactful orphanage or a school. Do you enjoy writing everything you see? Then an author or storyteller might be laying dormant in you.

What do you love? What do you hate? What turns you on or off? They are all pointers to your passion; and your passion, when stirred up, energizes your potential for accomplishment. Passion is the fuel of destiny. Nothing lasts in your hand that you don’t have passion for.

Believe in Your Potentials

It is what you believe that determines what you become. Clear every doubt! I said earlier that no one is empty. Success is not an exclusive reserve for some people. Everyone can succeed. Do not underrate or underestimate yourself. You are capable of unbelievable achievements.

The third servant in Matthew 25 never believed in his own talent. He felt it was too small and insignificant. No talent is insignificant, no matter how small it may appear. Your gifting is more valuable than diamond; once developed, it can buy anything.

Develop Yourself

Self development is a lifelong process. Every potential must be consistently developed; if it’s ever going to bring success. Many don’t have the courage to push themselves further.

Fear to me, is the enemy of self development. Many people as children, were full of excellent ideas because they were open minded and felt they could achieve anything. Growing up however, fear set it. They began to feel that some things are not possible, given certain circumstances around them. But you can thrive in spite of any circumstances.

Put your talent to work, even when you make mistakes. Mistakes teach us, they don’t break us. Be committed and determined. Set goals that will stretch your potentials. I as an author, normally give myself targets. I’m a goal setter. I set goals as to what I want to write about and when I’m going to finish writing a particular book. I don’t let the set time pass by before I complete each project.

If you need to study, then study! A popular preacher once told a story about his little beginning. He knew he had a calling into ministry, but he was a bad communicator. In fact; he had bad grammar. In order to conquer this limitation, he gathered 39 literature books and read all of them diligently. After doing that, his grammar improved. He started communicating better.

At times you need to read about people who have succeeded in areas of interest to you. Learn about the challenges they faced and the bold steps they took. It will help you.

Paul said in Colossians 1:29 “whereunto I also labour.” God will only prosper the potentials you labour to develop (Ephesians 3:20).

Mind Your Company

Your company can either help stir up the gift in you or quench the spirit in you. Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpeneth Iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Friendship either makes or breaks; it either helps build or it destroys. There are no neutral friends. A friend can either make you better or leave you worse.

Don’t share your goals with everyone. Some people wish they had the potential you have. Some might discourage you from taking bold steps only because they wish they were you. Be mindful! There are people that are capable of affecting your mindset negatively; detach yourself from such.

Role Models and Mentors

There are two most important people in your life; your role model and your mentor. Interestingly, you can choose them, depending on who you want to be. They both inspire you toward success!

A role model is someone you look up to; one whose life and accomplishment is an inspiration to you. He or she is someone you dream to be like some day. You don’t need a direct contact with him or her before they inspire you. You can learn from role models just by observation.

A mentor on the other hand is someone who deliberately coaches you. They put you through conscious training that will help stir up your potential. Unlike role models, you need direct contact with mentors either by reading their books or constantly having one-on-one coaching sessions with them. A role model is simply an example but a mentor is essentially a trainer. Either way, they both inspire you for accomplishment.