Turning Your Talent into Money by Isaac John Akagu - HTML preview

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“So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.” (Psalms 78:72)

It is character that sustains whatever capacity has built. Integrity maintains whatever talent delivers. Many people have the skillfulness of the hands but lack the integrity of the heart. Your potentials are pointers to your destiny but your character determines whether you will ever get there.

On October 5, 2007, Marion Jones –renowned American athlete, publicly admitted at a press conference, with tears rolling down her eyes, that she had been using performance enhancement drugs prior to a major Olympics games. All her previous medals, results, points and prizes during the period were taken away from her. Not only that, she ended up in jail for a while.

Without doubt she had great talent. She was the fastest woman in the world. She did unbelievable things; but she lacked integrity. That tells me that it is character that determines your fate, no matter how talented you are.

In the 1994 World Cup, Diego Maradona; who was regarded by some as the greatest footballer ever, was suspended from the games because it was discovered that he failed a drug test. This effectively signaled the end of his career. He had great talent, but like Marion, he lacked integrity and was publicly shamed.

Many governments and organizations are being ruined everyday because they are more focused on recruiting people with capacity; paying little attention to their character. That’s why you give money to some drivers to fuel the company car. They keep part of the money to themselves, returning with just half a tank; and when questioned, they respond “maybe the tank is leaking.” They have the capacity, but lack character.

One coach in England had this to say about one of his players: “Mario has incredible talents, but if he doesn’t work on his character, I’m afraid he will never go far.” Truly, that young guy has gone missing. Character is simply the sustainer.

Many Nigerians abroad are now in jail. A lot of our young guys and girls out there are either defrauding people on the internet, or doing drugs, or selling sex. Some of them are very talented, but they lack character. They should be doing something better with their lives –really.

3 Types of Character

There are three main types of character:




Bad Moral Character

This is very common. This is the type of character Marion, Diego and Mario –whom I talked about earlier, displayed. They had great talent but were brought down by their lack of integrity.

Many of our youths have lost their sense of morals. A lot of people can do anything to get rich –they could kidnap, do drugs, defraud, kill, steal, etc. Many young stars are on the news, not for the talents they have but for the trouble they cause. So many terrorist attacks around the world today are carried out by youths. They should be doing better things with their talents. Bad moral character turns fame into shame!

Fearful Character

So many people have gifted hands but weak hearts. Fear is the only real limitation that can withstand your advancement. The difference between a common man and an uncommon man is the strides they take. Uncommon people take bold steps. They take giant strides. Common people are afraid to take any steps at all. They both have the required talent, but different hearts.

There was in a house an aquarium that had two chambers separated by a glass partition. In the one chamber, there was Piranha –a fish that swallows other fishes. In the other chamber, there were the other fishes. Every time Mr. Piranha tried to go eat up the other fishes, he hits his head against the glass partition and then turned back. It happened consistently until Piranha became afraid of approaching the other fishes. He made up his mind that he would never move an inch from where he was any more.

One day, the owner of the aquarium removed the glass partition between the two chambers. The other fishes began to swim around the piranha; but piranha wouldn’t move an inch because he thought to himself “if I move from here, I will hit my head on the glass.” He remained hungry until he died.

Many people are like Mr. Piranha. They are so scared of their limitations that they fail to take any step forward. The only price for failure is doing nothing. Don’t be like the fellows in Numbers 13:31 who said “we be not able…” Overcome your fears because you are able.

Strong Character

This is the winning character. It puts you ahead of others. People with strong character are able to dare things, situations, circumstances and challenges. They never turn back. They stretch their potentials to the limit. They maximize their talents.

Strong character doesn’t see limitations, it sees only possibilities. One time, nobody thought it was possible to fly. Only the Wright brothers saw a possibility to develop vehicles that would move in the air. They were mocked by everyone for sure, but they weren’t moved. It takes a strong character to overcome limitations. They had it, and because of them, airplanes fly across the world today.

There is a winning attitude. It says “be strong and of good courage.” (Joshua 1:5, 10:25, Deuteronomy 31:6). Mental strength is superior to physical strength. Caleb was strong in his mind –he had a bold heart. He said “let us go up at once and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13:30). 

There were four lepers at the Gates of Samaria. They were physically disabled, but mentally strong. Under normal circumstances, they should have died of hunger. But they had a strong heart. They said “we will not sit here until we die.” They moved by whatever means into the city; their opposition gave way and they returned with plenty.

Your mind is the only limitation you have; but you can change your mentality and your mindset. You can achieve anything. If you can think it, you can do it. If you think right, you will maximize your potential and come out victorious.