Turning Your Talent into Money by Isaac John Akagu - HTML preview

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“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16)

No appliance, no matter how beautiful, ever works without a source of power. Also, if you unplug the fuse of your meter, all the electronics in your house will become inactive. They’ll become mere decorations.

Similarly, no matter how gifted you are, you need access to divine empowerment in order to shine. No bulb shines without electricity. In the same vein, no one’s destiny becomes colourful unless he receives enough spiritual empowerment to function in his the place of divine calling.

What then is the source of this power? It is called Grace. Your talent is a spiritual gift from God, but it needs to be powered in order to deliver -and Grace is what lights up your destiny. Grace is to your talent what electricity is to your electronics. Just as they can’t function without electricity, your giftings cannot deliver their full potentials unless they are connected to God’s grace.

The Bible text above summarizes it all. If you don’t want to fail, your inner deposits must be constantly energized by Grace. Grace is the life wire of destiny. There’s nothing really great except by grace. My mentor said; “there are really no great mean; it’s the backing of the great God that makes them appear great.”  Until you are divinely backed by God’s grace, you never amount to anything –however gifted you are.

Ephesians 4:7 says “but unto everyone is given Grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” It is grace that makes gifts to work. For every measure of gift in you, there is a measure of grace also. Gifts remain dormant until grace is at work.

Many have taken God’s grace in vain. Many have despised the place of God in their life’s adventure. Many have become very high minded. That’s why there are so many casualties of destiny today. Indeed, many have crash-landed.    

Experts fail; expertise is not enough. Connections fail; humans could betray you. Education doesn’t deliver it all; stop depending on your certificate. Even prophesies fail; don’t be carried away by every one of them. The only thing that never fails is the Grace of God. There’s nowhere in scriptures where it is recorded that grace failed. The greatest men are the most en-graced ones.

Grace according to one preacher means “God in the race.” When God is in the race on your behalf, you can fold your arms and enjoy your success. With grace, you can put in little effort and achieve great results –because God is involved. Grace puts you on higher grounds.

Grace gives you a voice; indeed it makes the Voiceless an Orator of destiny. Grace picks up an insignificant person and puts the spotlight on him. Grace turns your weaknesses into strength. Grace hides your many errors and colours your little efforts.

Have you ever read this from scriptures? –“but by the Grace of God, I am what I am…” (1 Corinthians 15:10). That was Paul –the Apostle of Jesus speaking. You never amount to anything worth anyone’s admiration except by Grace. Grace by my definition is simply “God’s divine power that takes you to the heights.”

In Ezra 7:9, we are told about how Ezra the priest found favour before king Artaxerxes because “the Good Hand of his God was upon Him.” Grace therefore attracts favour. It puts an aura around you that makes everyone to love you relentlessly.

Bishop David Oyedepo leads one of the most impactful, influential and wealthy Christian organizations in the world today; but I’ve heard him say often; “this is nothing but the finger of God.” Until God is involved, destiny is in shambles.

How to Attract God’s Grace

1. It Takes Humility

The Bible clearly states; “God resist the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.” (James 4:6). Nothing derails you from the path of destiny than pride. God gives his grace only to the humble. You must recognize that you are nothing on your own. Pride takes you to a height where your crash-landing would be great.

Pride simply means taking God’s place in your life. It means despising God. It also means taking God’s glory. God is an ocean of Grace, but only the humble can drink of it.

Galatians 6:3 says “for if a man thinks of himself to be something, when he is nothing, he decieveth himself.” In truth, you are nothing without grace.

1. It Multiplies by Knowledge

I love second Peter 1:2: “Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” Any area of your life where you have noticed a deficiency of Grace, go for knowledge. Knowledge of what? Knowledge of God.

God is all-knowing. Therefore, if you must advance in destiny, you must seek God’s opinion about every phase of your life. Never take any step unless it is commanded by God. And how do you know what’s commanded? It is by knowing God –learning from His word, hearing from him in your spirit man and following every instruction.

The truth is; Grace precedes peace. But Grace and Peace multiplies by knowledge. Therefore your knowledge of God will en-grace you and that will in turn guarantee peace. It’s simple!

2. It Takes Sanctification

No one drinks water with a dirty cup. It’s a cup; and meant for drinking, but it’s dirty; therefore unusable. Similarly, you cannot attract God’s grace unless you are clean. Talking about God, Habakkuk 1:3 says “thou art of a purer eye than to behold evil...” Talent does not give you liberty to misbehave.

Back in my university days, we used to have one very young and extraordinarily talented assistant drama director in our fellowship. She was so good the whole campus knew her. One Sunday morning, my sister appeared in church full of tears in her eyes. When I asked her what had gone wrong, she told me that our assistant drama director was dead.

She had died the previous night after having an unsuccessful abortion. The whole campus was in shock. She was gifted no doubt, but “the sting of death is sin” (1 Corinthians 15:56) –irrespective of your talent. Sin rubs you of God’s presence. We are saved by grace so as not to walk in that old sinful nature anymore. Therefore, acts of iniquity only expose us to the dangers the old man faced.

Remember, God knows those that are his (2 Timothy 2:19), and His Grace can only be made available to them.