Turning Your Talent into Money by Isaac John Akagu - HTML preview

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       Is everybody on earth gifted? Does everyone have talents or are there “gift-less” people somewhere on the surface of the earth? Are some people more endowed than others? …and are there some that aren’t endowed at all? Now here’s the big one …Are you gifted or gift-less?

       These questions bug the minds of many people all across the earth as they try to discover themselves and come to a point of self realization. Many have grown frustrated with their lives and are full of negativities in their minds.

       If you are striving hard to have a fulfilled life and you’ve answered those questions correctly, then you are one step closer to making the most of your time on earth. Whether or not you were able to answer my questions however, you’ll definitely find my summations that will follow from this point thought-provoking.

       Everyone on earth has potentials! There are no empty men on earth, but there are many people with wrong perceptions of who they are and what they carry. Also, there are no “gift-less” people on earth, but there are many people who don’t even know how gifted they are. Nothing devalues a man than having a sense of emptiness and incapacity. It is the understanding of who you are that determines what you become. How you see yourself consistently determines what you become perpetually.

     It is often said that “in every man, there is a seed of greatness.” When this seed is nurtured, it can catapult him from where he is to where God wants him to be. Every bird in the sky is gifted to fly. Every fish in the ocean is gifted to swim. Similarly, everyone on earth is gifted to do something special.

     No purpose is ever accomplished without a discovered, developed and functional talent. You may have big dreams, but if you don’t identify the talents that will make those dreams a reality and develop them, the dreams may end a mirage.

     A talent is simply a ‘Gift’ from God to a man. It is often referred to as “gifting”; that special endowment within you. It is unique to you and can turn you from a mediocre into an achiever. It is a rare ability and not by any means common. Finding it out becomes the turning point of your destiny.

     I’m about to take you through a journey; you may never find this in any book. Not even the formal education you receive in your schools and institutions of learning would expose it to you. It’s a journey of self discovery where you are going to learn what it takes to have a fulfilled life on earth.

     By the time you’re done reading this book, you’ll be flying on the wings of self-belief, motivated by self discovery and leading to inevitable accomplishments.

However, I’ve got Good News for you! You have everything it takes to become a star on the earth. Now join me as we unfold much more.