Unpopular Blogging by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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I may have to disappear for a week or two as I have a feeling Best Adventure Ever is about to burst forth.  It is a far more complex book than Best Scandal Ever or Best Romance Ever and deals with a lot of things at once.  A more advanced reader will notice that they pick new things up the more times they return to the stories, some of it is only really intended for Wolfe.  I basically write free books for an audience of one, with a giant side salad of entertainment for everyone else.  I hope he appreciates this, I wouldn’t do this if I did not believe him to have the capacity to find gemstones on a pebble beach.

I don’t suppose it really matters, the work gets done, and it’s his loss if he doesn’t.  In any case, all the Best Ever….Sam Redwood stories will always be free.  They are gifts, intended to spark interest from readers at some future point in their lives if not right now. Today I have been considering the matter of empowerment.  Many motivational speakers like to talk about empowerment.  In the event that you are a bit tired and browbeaten, depressed, middle-aged and underachieving, lazy or perhaps a tad dim, empowerment is a subject that you will fully appreciate.  As something of an empowerment gourmet, very few of them think much about it beyond – the audience will like this, the audience will admire me for saying this, the audience will buy my empowerment course etc etc.  You know the scene – Tony Robbins has probably a hundred or more members of staff doing mini empowerment courses all over the USA, as do many others.

So here is my empowerment for the bombast-hating and probably more intelligent rest of the motivation market. You matter, you matter, you matter.  Stop assuming other people will do things for you, and that your participation doesn’t count.  You dug yourselves into a hole, now it is time to look in the mirror, tell yourself that you count, and dig yourselves back out of it again.  Nobody can do it for you!

Very technical, isn’t it? Yes, your last hundred dollars/pounds/million yen matter.  Open your ethical or SRI bank or building society account now, so that when it is operational, you can transfer your wages or income into it.  Prepare for changing your broadband/tv/telephone account by collecting the relevant information and STOP GOING TO THE SUPERMARKET ALREADY! If you are desperate for the latest Prada, look for it on Ebay instead.  Consider if you will still want it next season.  If the answer is no, then you don’t need it and would be better off spending your time finding a chic new designer item nobody else knows about.

I updated the information on Better Person Project for the UK last night, and will take another look at the slightly more complicated USA this evening.  I am ashamed to say that had not looked at it in quite a long time as I had been fighting off my Wolfitis over the winter and spending too much time with the worst-eater-in-the-world Twisty.  This stops now.  I will just have to drown myself in work instead. All because somebody somewhere decided that I did not matter – you see how this works?  Telling people that they do not matter disempowers them, and then they do nothing and try to compensate in other ways.

So, repeat after me, I matter, and I am now going to make a difference. Enjoy whatever beverage comes to hand, and start making plans to redirect your money away from the conventional routes.  It’s not only important for you, it’s important for your future, and your potential children’s future. There is no future economic plan that justifies the world’s wealth going into so few hands.

Feed the saplings, cut down the old trees.  The economy works much the same way as a garden.  If you persist in feeding only the established forest, the old trees will still fall down but nothing will grow.  DO IT NOW!