Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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1. Physical level

Performing your duties for your stage and station in life.

Selfless service ( Sewa) to family, community, country and the world. Actions are performed for the welfare of all, according to Dharma, and with an attitude of service. If the goal is to help only your self without any consideration for the family, community, country or the world then it is selfish and against Dharma (Adharma). Wider the circle of inclusion in all actions; more moral, ethical, or Dharmaic the decision will be. Accept results as blessings from God ( prasād), give credit to and dedicate them to the Lord.

त ादस ः सततं काय कम समाचर ।

अस ो िह आचर म परमा ो त पू षः ॥ ३ :१९ ॥

Always perform actions required by your Dharma.

Actions performed without (selfish) emotional attachment

(to people, methods or results)

Will lead a person to his ultimate goal.

Bhagawad Gitā III.19

कमणैव िह सं स धमा थता जनकादयः ।

लोकसं हमेवािप संप य तुमह स ॥ ३ :२० ॥

King Janak (Sita’s father) reached this goal by his actions.

It is important to (do your duty of a King)

for the welfare of your subjects.

Bhagawad Gitā III.20

य रोिष यद ा स य ुहोिष ददा स यत् ।