Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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consciously or unconsciously.

Shānti Mantra

Invocation for peace and harmony that can be recited before a class, a meeting or starting a project:

ॐ सहनाववतु । सह नौ भुन ु ।

सह वीय करवावहै ।


नावधीतम ु मा िवि षावहै ॥

ॐ शाि ः । शाि ः । शाि ः ।

Found in many Upanishad-s

Aum, May He protect us

(teacher and student or a group of coworkers).

May we enjoy the results of our work together.

May we all cooperate with each other.

May our effort (study or work) be brilliant.

May we not have bitter arguments between us.

Aum let there be Peace (within us).

Let there be Peace (in our immediate surroundings).

Let there be Peace (in the universe).

For the wellbeing of all