Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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Finally the Choice is Yours

उ धरेदा नाऽऽ ानं ना ानमवसादयेत् ।

आ ैव ा नो ब ुरा ैव रपुरा नः ॥६ :५॥

Your Ātmā (soul, conscience) can lift yourself up

(but) do not let it degrade you.

Your Ātmā (conscience) only is your (true) friend

but it can also be your (worst) enemy.

Bhagawad Gitā, VI.5

In the last chapter of Bhagawad Gitā Shri Krushń tells Arjun:

िवमृ यैतदशेषेण यथे

स तथा कु ॥१८ :६३॥

Think (about) all that (I have said)

and then do as you please

(the final choice is yours).

Bhagawad Gitā, XVIII.63

Advice from Gautam Buddha:

“Do not accept what I have said

because it has been so said in the past;