Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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Bhavanti sampadam daivim abhijātasya Bharata.

Bhagavad Gitā, XVI. 3.

22. Person with divine qualities has a special ‘glow’ on her face and has lots of energy for selfless service (Tejah).

23. Forgiveness (I) for faults of other people. This quality helps us remain calm under most insulting or humiliating circumstances. The ability to forgive others is considered very important quality - more than physical beauty, good character and knowledge: नर य आभरणं पं प य आभरणं गुण : |

गुण य आभरणं ानं ान य आभरणं मा ||

A man’s physical appearance is like an ornament.

Good qualities are like an ornament of the beautiful body.

Knowledge is an ornament of a person with good qualities.

But the ability to forgive is an ornament

of people with all of the above;

(physical beauty, good qualities and knowledge).


24. Steadfast ( Dhruti), a quality to maintain a calm mind and steady course of action once a decision is made without getting depressed or paralyzed by set backs.

25. Purity ( Shaucha) of thoughts and cleanliness of the body, clothes & surroundings.

26. Absence of any desire to harm anyone or cheat ( Adhrohah) leads to non-violent behavior.

27. Devoid of excessive pride ( Na-atimānitā). A person who does not feel insulted or hurt on slightest pretext.

Life according to these values and virtues is essential for smooth and efficient functioning of the society to bring about peace and prosperity in the world. They are also necessary prerequisites for our progress on the evolutionary path of becoming an ‘Ideal Person’ and experiencing the ‘Divine’ or ‘Self Realization’.


Bhagavad Gitā (Chap. XVI.4) also recommends removal of following impurities or weaknesses of the mind:

द ो दप अ भमान च ोधः पा ं एव च ।

अ ानं च अ भजात पाथ संपदं आसु रम् ॥१६ :४॥

Dumbhah, darpah, abhimānah, cha krodhah,

pārushyam, eva cha

Agnānan cha abhijātasya Pārtha sampadam āsurim.

Bhagavad Gitā, XVI:4

1. Hypocrisy ( Damabh), pretending to be better than one really is.

2. Arrogance ( Darp) of knowledge, color of the skin, family, wealth, physical strength, etc. It also includes hostile intention to take revenge, condescending behavior, or self-centered person.

मा कु धनजनयौवनगव हर त िनमेषा ालः सवम्।

मायामयिमदम खलं िह ा

पदं ं

िवश िविद ा॥

Do not be proud of wealth, about people you know

(status in society)

or youth (health, physical appearance, strength, etc.);

They are all taken away in no time.

Give up all theses illusions (temporary attributes)

and enter the state of Brahman (bliss) after knowing this.

3. False or excessive pride, hostile intention ( Abhiman).

4. Anger ( Krodh).

5. Bullying nature ( Pārushyam).

6. Ignorance ( Agnānam) about one’s place in the universe and relationship with other creatures, someone who thinks he is the most important person in the world or lack of knowledge about ‘Self’.

These six are considered as devilish ( Āsuric) characteristics or impurities of the mind.

Everyone has to try and remove these from their personality.

Following three characteristics that may lead to a person’s downfall:

ि िवधं नरक ेदं ारं नाशनमा नः ।

कामः ोध था लोभ

ादेत यं जेत् ॥

(Intense selfish) desires, anger and greed

are the three gates to Hell that will destroy a person.

That’s why one should give them up.

Bhagavad Gitā, XVI:21