Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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Parichayrātmakam Karma shudrasyāpi svabhāvjam

Agriculture, taking care of cows, and trade are the

responsibilities of Vaishy-s.

Service is the duty of Shudr-s.

Bhagavad Gitā, XVIII.44

The third category was Vaishy- s who were farmers, businessmen, and other trades people.

The financial welfare of the society depended on them. Shudra-s were assigned to serve above three groups because of qualities of their nature.

"There is no Védic scriptural sanction for any act of cruelty

or oppression or unfair discrimination based on anyone’s

birth. Birth-based discrimination and cruel treatment of

individuals and families which developed in Hindu society

over time as socially sanctioned practices are in gross

violation of ancient Hindu teachings and philosophy. Many

people that revere and owe allegiance to our ancient

Dhārmic teachings and philosophy have suffered over the

years as a result of such discriminatory practices. Such

suffering continues even today, despite the law of the land

and enlightened social and religious leaders having

continued to make, over the centuries, major and effective

contributions to diminish the depth and extent of these

discriminatory practices, which have nothing to do with

Hindu Dharma."

Swami Dayānand Saraswati

The fourth division was called Shudr- s. They did all the hard jobs requiring unskilled labor and some very unpleasant ones. They disposed off dead animals and removed garbage.

Gradually they became the untouchables because of the type of work they did and were dominated by other castes. Many reformers have tried to improve their lot and now it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of caste in India. One of the Presidents of independent India - highest position in the Government - was a Shudr.


There is a fifth group of people who do not fit in with any of the four groups above and it is called - ‘ Avarna' - or Non-Divine. These people do not follow the Dharma or rules of the society. They are the lawless aggressors who kill, earn money by illegal means, cheat, give and take bribes, are drug dealers and sex traffickers.