Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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िन लमहं न च भूतसंघः ॥

In the early morning (at dawn)

I think of the universal energy (God) in my heart

(The energy keeps me alive and the heart pumping).

I am trying to realize (experience)

the (ultimate) state of (changeless)

‘Truth, Consciousness & Bliss’, attain Paramahaṁs status

(someone who has achieved total control over all his senses),

has gone beyond the three stages

of dream, wakefulness and dreamless deep sleep

(by meditation) and is always in the fourth stage

of super consciousness (Turiyam).

I am that faultless (perfect) Bhrahman

(Consciousness, Energy, God)

and not this (physical body) made up of five inert materials.

Shri Shankarāchārya

We are all looking for ‘Permanent Happiness’ but it is very elusive. We may feel ‘happy’ for a short while and then we are back in our usual unsatisfied and unhappy mode. Permanent or long term happiness can be found if we look for it in the right place: मोको कह ढंूढ रे ब े ,

म तो तेरे पास म ।

‘Where are you looking for ‘Me’, my friend?

I am very close to you (within you).

ना तीरथ म ना मूरत म , ना एक त िनवास म ।

ना मंिदर म , ना म

द म , ना काबे कैलाश म ॥

I am not in any holy land nor in an Icon, or in solitude.

Not in a Temple nor in a Mosque or in Kaaba (Mecca)