Vibrant Living by Fred G. Thompson - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



What you believe is what you are unless you are hallucinating! We already know about the powerof the mind over the body. Beliefs and attitudes are an integral part of what the body does and is. Do you believe you are less smart or intelligent than your business associates, or social companions?

You may be, but not in all ways. As one comic said “We are all ignorant, only on different subjects.” This helps.

The successful entrepreneur often has a record of success and then this is followed by failure. But he believes so much in himself, that he tries again and again and eventually succeeds. The unsuccessful entrepreneur gives up after the first try and first failure and goes back to work in a protective environment.

An important part of a belief system is to DIS-believe in the many myths about aging. Breaking the myths about aging is a recurring theme in these readings. What is critical about myths is that you can CHANGE them. Rather than believe that you are losing your memory as you get older, work harder at remembering things. By keeping up in information of the world and your particular interests, you become current and interesting, and therefore increase your sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

One ninety-six year old lady told me: "Nobody will listen to your tale of woe; they always have better ones!" Instead of discussing all your ailments, aches and pains with your fellow oldies, talk current events and new technologies. Reinforce the optimistic approach. Who wants to listen to a litany of complaints and what is wrong with the world and all its troubles. Not only is it true that what you believe is what you are, but what you THINK is what you are. As the old song says "Accentuate the Positive!"

Belief systems are so powerful that the medicine men of primitive tribes can actually will their subjects to get sick and die. And so can we. In fact so DO we sometimes. But let us reverse this and will ourselves into vibrant living and good health. This is sometimes called positive visioning. Envision yourself in the state you wish to be, and presto! you eventually get there. Norman Vincent Peale called it Positive Thinking. His book on this subject has had sales into the millions of copies.(1)

I have a favourite expression that is part of my belief system: “Label it and you’ve got it!” One day you feel a bit out of sorts and you talk to a friend and who says you have “Whatever disease.” You have never heard of that particular ailment before, but now that he has put a label on it you believe that you actually DO have that disease. Label it and you’ve got it.

Have you ever read a Home Health type of book and seen how many diseases there are for which you have the exact symptoms?

So, be sure to build a strong and positive belief system, a fresh set of attitudes, to enjoy the best years of your life.