Vibrant Living by Fred G. Thompson - HTML preview

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Chapter 23



Do you believe in re-incarnation? Many people do. Whether you return as a human, male or female, or indeed as another species, or at all, no one can say. But what if you were to come back as another human, what would you want to do this next time around?

Ask yourself, "What would I do differently if I had my life to live over?"

Now there is a question, and answering it provides some interesting guide lines, or even challenges for what remains of this time around.

I have asked a number of people that question; What would YOU do if you had your life to live over? The response in a number of cases was simply, "Nothing special. I have been pretty well satisfied this time around." Well good for you; but that does not inspire me. I would think there would be a lot of things, if you really think about it. Let's speculate: What would you like to do differently the next time around?

  • take more risks
  • take more time to smell the roses
  • not work so hard at what at the time seems so important
  • distinguish between what is important and whatis just inconvenient
  • eat more ice cream and less vegetables
  • budget, but don't take it too seriously
  • if you set goals, keep pushing them ahead
  • see the funny side of life
  • let your spouse decide all the important things -if any ever turn up
  • spend more time with your kids
  • be less careful; stop going back to see if you turned out the lights and locked up
  • get into debt for things worthwhile
  • enjoy life to-day, NOW
  • do more things worth remembering

To sum it up, perhaps you could just say: be more adventurous! And if you can't start over, then there would be some satisfaction in helping others do what you are not able to do in the time you have left. Hmm!

"In all things of nature there is something marvelous."

Aristotle 384 322 B.C.