Vibrant Living by Fred G. Thompson - HTML preview

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1. Peale, Norman Vincent THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING, Prentice-Hall Inc., New York, 1952

2. Cousins, Norman, ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1979

3. Potter, Stephen ONE-UPMANSHIP, Rupert Hart-Davis, London, c.1946; see also his GAMESMANSHIP, 1947

4. Teri-E Belf, Director, Success Unlimited Network, Annandale, VA

5. Gurdjieff, G. I., MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN, Pan Books Limited, London, U.K., 1978

6. Andersen, U. S. THREE MAGIC WORDS, Wilshire Book Company, Hollywood, CA 91605

7. Friedan, Betty, THE FOUNTAIN OF AGE, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1993

8. Etzioni, Amitai, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY,

Crown Publishers Inc., New York, 1993

9. Shaffer, Carolyn R., & Anundsen, Kristin, CREATING COMMUNITY ANYWHERE, The Putnam Publishing Group, New York, 1993

10. DIRECTORY OF INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES, Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1992, Sandhill Farm, Rutledge, MO

11. McCamant, Kathryn, and Durrett, Charles, COHOUSING, Habitat Press, Berkeley, CA, 1988

12. McLaughlin, Corinne, and Davidson, Gordon, BUILDERS OF THE DAWN, Stillpoint, Walpole, NH

13.Simply do a search for "Cohousing" on the Internet

This will give access to both the United States and the Canadian Associations and the Cohousing Magazine.