Ways of Integrity in the World by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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In the Telugu language, there is a saying ‘Kanche Chenu Mesthe,’ it means ‘fence itself eating the crop.’ That implies that the protector of an entity is its enemy.

Mr Ramulu had about 25 goats, which he takes them into a reserve forest area regularly. He protects them, helps them graze the tasty and nutritious leaves. Climbs the trees and cuts the branches and stems so that his animals could eat the leaves which are beyond their reach. He protects them especially from the Rock Pythons as they are plenty in this forest area. The rock pythons are some of the largest snakes, they can easily devour an adult goat or sheep. Several of his animals he lost to the Rock-pythons in the past.

He has given the names to his goats, knows the differences between each goats behaviour. If young ones are born while in the forest, takes them in hands and carries home safely along with the mother goat. He becomes the leader for the herd of the goats and tries to remain on an elevated place so that they could follow his instructions and directs them to walk in the direction desired by him.

One day, I followed him into the jungle along with his goats. Could see his great relationship with his goats. In the end, I asked a few questions. You are protecting the goats from the enemies such as Rock-pythons and being lost in the jungle. They trust you and consider you as their leader and protector. But one fine day you are selling them to a butcher for money. Finally, the protector is the main enemy and not the Rock-python. He said, yes he feels very sad on the day he sells them, remembers them a lot and does not eat food too. The soles of the goats must be cursing him as the most trusted leader and protector betrayed them. Similarly, some politicians with fake promises dupe the people who voted them to power.

There is a tribal community living in the Nallamalai forest range called Chenchus. This forest range covers parts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states in India. They collect wild honey from the very steep rock cliffs. These honey bees are very dangerous. Men go in teams with ropes and baskets woven with vines. There is a saying that a person usually goes with trusted people like ones wife’s brother. The person holding the rope should be very much trusted, if my mistake leaves the rope, it is sure death. They believe that the person holding the rope will try his best holding the rope, as his sister should not become a widow. Brothers are less trusted, as there could be some gain to one brother due to the death of another brother.
