Ways of Integrity in the World by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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The democracy in many nations has become a kind of business for the politicians. It is a kind of investment for gaining power through votes and having illegal economic returns. Development by most politicians is a package of - popular short-sighted - schemes to please the people and remain in power. The manifesto is a kind of menu card which is not based on the available ingredients in the kitchen and nor there is enough budget to buy all the ingredients to cook a healthy meal. Finally, whatever is cooked and served by the politicians, can keep only a very few people healthy and happy. By eating such food, diseases of ailing people are aggravated, new diseases surface and many others become sick too. It is like few people are able to board the development bus and many are falling before they reach their destiny. The sum total of those in the development bus, in not just those getting into the bus alone. The inequalities are high and the range of poor and rich is increasing as the years pass.

Political parties and their representatives forming the cartels for profit. Almost all the politicians are one and the same with little differences. Winning the contract at all cost and making very high profits is the motive of cartels. Similarly, a coalition arrangement is between political parties intended to promote a mutual interest. Having a leadership position is also a means to satisfy the ego and self. Shameless lies, disguised expressions and implementing unsustainable programmes are the ways of their existence. Exceptionally it is very rare that one comes across a politician who has the highest integrity. Politicians are not representing the humanistic values. Because of the judiciary system loopholes, many politicians are not in jails.

Many politicians believe that there are no permanent enemies in politics. Divide people on emotions and sentiments is their tactic. Criticizing, cursing and using vulgar language is forgotten easily when they change parties. Many times, people are not inspired to choose the right candidate. There is no way to eliminate the rotten eggs from the basket of electoral candidates and one has to choose one. It is a pathetic situation, whereas in nature there are basic rules for becoming the leader of a group.

The cartel of politicians gets a chance to lead for about four or five years. Sometimes they scratch their heads, bow, touch the feet of others, make false praises - doing all that submit their honour to stay in the unethical parties.

People are cursed if they elect a leader from the non-ruling party. The mobilisation of the funds and implementation of schemes are biased. How could one punish the people and not give equal chance for development just because they have chosen a person from the opposing party, as their leader. Are we living with the least intellect and humanity? The caste, creed, minority, religion and sects are the other cards used against each other, in their game of politics.

There is no way to complain about anyone. Whom to complain? All are related and no one has integrity. There are more people to support illegal things. Corruption is easily found where the law is often broken. The system itself is corrupt, it wants more people to break the law so that the environment is more positive for sustaining corruption as a norm.
