Ways of Integrity in the World by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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We needed candidates who are committed to the deliverables. Sometimes the technical teams will be under pressure due to less time and the new demands emerging from the client. Whereas, the software companies work in shifts to meet the deadlines. In regular offices - the five days work in a week with office timings, applying all types of leaves at will is a challenge, if the person is not committed. The attitude of listening, learning at a fast phase, trying to understand the context, sharing their experience and being proactive are the characteristics expected from the employees. Some employees ask their team leader ‘tell me exactly what to do, for everything,’ It is like questioning the experience and credibility of the team leader again and again. A team leader is a coordinator who tries to bring the best from the team members and he or she is not everything. Most importantly being humble is important for everyone. Should not think always that I am being paid less for the work I am doing. The person should be inspired by the values of the organisation and the work that the person is doing for society. The organisations and agencies provide an opportunity to serve the communities ultimately.

In a team one should not force individual opinions on others. The collaboration, participation, cooperation, patience and sharing is required in a team. Team spirit is taking the respective responsibility as a team member and not to blame the other members of the team. Once it happened that one of my teammates, while making the final presentation was questioning me about the points in the presentation made. One of the participants asked her why she was asking now, as a team member she could have discussed within the team before the final presentation and resolved the issues. She was part of a four member team and did not participate as a team member and was an example of a person without team spirit.

People with self-interest do such things, that is living at the cost of others. The boss who is not capable, often uses the ‘proxy broods’ say team members or copies the ideas from others to accomplish the tasks without acknowledgement of the source. And for the successful delivery of project components, they claim the success.

Some people are interested to be in every project, this is for improving their experience profile. They enjoy the space, travelling, food, overtime and other facilities offered in the project. They might involve in politics and make separate groups and play one group against another. Might call a person after office hours to engage in politics and create bias. The team gets demoralised due to such people in an organisation. Such people however best they are qualified should be identified and removed or else they become a burden to the organisation. A rotten fruit spoils a bunch of fruits unless it is identified in time and thrown out.
