Ways of Integrity in the World by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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Each person should create value for oneself in a day by being resourceful. A valueless person is an iota of the total mass of earth. The person who could create value for oneself is valuable to society too.

In an organisation, each person is an important asset. There is no job called less worth or more worth unless there is self-interest.

The earnings of a person always seem to be less as the needs grow. I met the carpenter known to me after a long time, I asked about his two sons education. He said that he made them discontinue their education and presently working with him in his shop. Now the earnings seem to be okay as he got cheap labour and he is happy. But once the children get married and when they start living separately their earning is not sufficient to lead a decent life. In poor families sometimes children are considered as an asset and a source of income for the families. That could be one of the reasons for having on average more children per family among the poor.

A person dissatisfied with the earning, should not disgruntle and show less performance in the work agreed to do. Only a fool would sit on the branch of the tree and cut it and falls down. Along with the organisation, the employee’s job will also be at risk. After all, an organisation and its values are because of the people associated with it. Making a day useful in one’s life is also valuable to the organisation.

I remember a small story of creating value to one’s job. It is said that there were two people in a temple, one was the priest and the other attender. The priest everyday recites the prayers to God, so always felt elevated and believed his job is superior. The devotees also were giving lots of respect, as he is the communicator between the devotees and the God. The attender in the temple, cleaned the temple premises every day twice, including the items used in the prayer. Both of them spent their lifetime in their respective services. The attender died first and within a few days difference, the priest also died. The priest was surprised to see that the attender had gone to heaven and was given a more prominent position and role by God. The priest also went to heaven but was offered a smaller position. The priest asked God, although he prayed him every day, how come he deserves a smaller position as compared to the attendee who was only cleaning the things. The God clarified, by saying that while cleaning the attender was dedicated and concentrated. Looked into every detail and cleaned everything very well. It shows his devotion and commitment. The cleanliness of the place and the items used in the prayer were always clean. Cleanliness is Godliness. But when the priest recited the prayers, sometimes his mind was wandering around and mixed with other thoughts too. The priest was not so much focused and dedicated as much as the attender. Therefore, God is more pleased with the attender of the temple rather the priest.

Why a few persons are considered more valuable and gain respect? A spoon is ideal on a table upright, it has value only when it is used by a person. The person using it may be an opportunist, but the spoon is creating value by being useful. The values depend on the perspective of others. While judging the value of a spoon, it is the reciprocative value that it has created with the user is its true value. If it is not valuable either way, its existence itself is a question.

It is like there are wolves so there are trees in the forest. The deer are existing in a forest because there are tigers.

There is a difference of being used - the user thinks that he or she is gaining more by using something without losing much in the form of energy or resources. Whereas a person who by oneself wants to be useful to someone can never be used.

For the people who worked with me, I was giving each one a dairy on the first day of their job, with a request to write the results and achievements that they have caused at the end of each day. Discouraged them writing just the process at length. For me process was less important as compared to achieving the results. Otherwise, people tend to show the process as the results achieved.

Everyone is valuable. One can create values only through good works, which causes results. Every day is worth and valuable. One should become valuable in one’s life. That is the reason, I wanted them to introspect and write down the dairy as self-evaluation. Rarely, I see their dairies to check their integrity in the job. The diary is a record of their own integrity in the job to contemplate on what is doing every day.
