Ways of Integrity in the World by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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In Bollywood films, a hero’s characterisation is done with the background stories. During his childhood.. coming from a poor family...stole a piece of bread to beat his hunger.. or sometimes runs away with the medicines for his ailing mother.. without paying to the medical shop owner.

The above two incidents are looked with empathy and sympathy and the image of the hero is not lessened. What about the losses incurred to the people? - because of such an act. The other people are also human, selling something to take care of their family and nothing is free for them.

Again a hero does street fight.. causes injuries and sometimes kills many villains.. all this is done, instead of going by the law to get the culprits punished. Many times behaves as a molester with the heroine to win her heart. For not much reason hurts, makes jokes and insults his friends. Still, people accept him as a hero. Won’t the story writers and the director does not understand the integrity aspects? Then why do they want to create heroes with less integrity?

My son was playing one of the popular internet games, where the gamer’s join as teams and start killing people of the opponent team. Meanwhile, they destruct the trees for wood.. destroy buildings and other useful materials to create a bank of resource material.. which is used to build structures for their own defence during the war with the enemies.

There is the least integrity in this game. I asked my son ‘Why are you destroying environment and killing someone for no reason? He said that there is no reason except that the other person is just an enemy as defined in the game and he should kill by all means. This game is a reflection of the society, someone is destroying the natural forests, doing destructive mining, destroying the oil wells, destroying buildings and many other assets and also killing people. The least integrity aspect is declaring wars and killing people for not much reason, which we could find, as some countries are still doing that. Finally in this game by killing all the so-called enemies they become the heroes. If the character they represent gets killed, the winner becomes the hero. All the time while playing the game only one thing occupies the mind of my child that is ‘kill..kill.. kill..’ the whole game is barbaric... where are we leading the society with such games.. in real life too they might not repent killing someone for not much reason.

I was reading a piece of news. A person molested a woman by touching her.. some more details about the culprit were provided.. that this man is from a poor family, unemployed, and unmarried. The other description was unwarranted. The culprit could be rich, having employment and was married with two children. The background information influences in understanding the degree of integrity of the person.

A poor person becoming super-rich is sometimes projected as the success story. Becoming rich means it is a way of depleting other’s resources. Say rural farmers produce is undervalued so that an urban person is richer. There is no integrity in the systems established by the people on the earth.
