We Are A Scam by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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At The Very Outset…!

Inevitability is a huge element for enterprising a change. Optionlessness; its calamitous suffocation, has the energy that can usher in unimaginable transformations. It has, in the long history; though only occasionally, haphazardly. However, human Consciousness is a legendary Con Artist, as it can and it does adroitly construct ingenious Denials and Deceptions to make all inevitabilities and optionlessnesses of Reality disappear in thin air. Human civilization and culture is the amazing and powerful journey of humans on diverse roads to Denials and Deceptions – of Self and Others…

Thousand soldiers of fear-empire, heavily armed with weaponry of denials, stand constant guard at the Portals of Reality; blocking entry into the precarious yet powerfully potentialed cosmos of reality. Only a handful Brave-Hearts; few men and women of genius and resolve, who defeat the army to enter the ‘dreaded’ world of Reality, are rewarded with a treasure, 99.9 percent humans never have access to.

Reality, its expansive holism and suffocation of its inevitability-optionlessness is hugely unsettling for average human – the 99.9 percent. Most humans, with their un-evolved animalistic consciousnesses, cannot even perceive the Reality and its Essence of inevitability and optionlesssness, in its entirety and holism. Knowledge and wisdom of Reality therefore has never been core competence and primary Operating Prudence for most people in the long history of humanity.

Denial and deception of Reality is so deeply and laterally embedded in vast domains of subconscious mind states that anyone with advocacy of Reality and its true knowledge becomes unforgivable Enemy of humanity. We all know; how humanity has been massively brutal with all ‘enemies’. Fear is cannibalistic; more powerful the animal, higher the intensity of instinctive urge to kill its own. Human is the worst animal with long established history of killing its own species in millions. Those humans, who fear the most; especially their own death, kill the most; in vast numbers.

There is a hypothesis, which says, ‘At any given time or stage of evolution, the total quantum of stupidity always remains constant as inevitable entropic probabilities require this critical mass and energy to journey towards finality of mortality’. This seems true as long history of humanity corroborates it.

The contemporary world immaculately showcases this hypothesis in its optimality. In modern human world, many times more people lose their lives because of their own stupidity or that of others, than any single other cause of mortality, like disease or anything else. The world has just witnessed, how stupidities of few on top and that of the mass majority of average men and women, has killed many times more people than this virus could otherwise have. The denials and deceptions kill most. The world is witnessing this stark reality. This is nothing new. Human history is full of far more colossal stupidities and much more disastrous outcomes. Do we need to name them…!

A handful of depraved, dangerous and insane leadership of humanity – political, social or religious; can and they always do, devise and design calamitous enterprises, which have potentials for massive pain, sufferings and even death for people they lead. Yet, they could never have and still cannot be successful in their nefarious designs if they had no support from this critical mass of stupidity and hypocrisy of humanity. It is this constant quantum of critical mass, which blissfully invites and installs those to lead them, who otherwise and ideally should have been in either prisons or asylums. Consciousness is God and equally Devil…! This Is Scam

Evolution works this way. Evolution always invests its best of resources to ensure the eternal energy of this critical mass (the 99.9 percent) of stupidity (ignorance). This has been the Constant, throughout in the long history of humanity and still is. Scams are human design and evolution ensures; the critical mass has the cognition to love it!

Then, it seems, stupidity and hypocrisy of humanity is essential and inevitable tools of Reality. If so, what purpose and utility does then the knowledge and wisdom of Reality has? If entropic probabilities are inevitably optionless, what can knowledge do?

Knowledge has utility and purpose…! Sure; it has; it always had, for those, who care – the 0.1 percent…!

Since thousands of years, some of our very worthy ancestors; who had the intelligence and courage to face the worst, life made them to, and internalize the Grief that ensued, have already unraveled Reality for us. The grief and pain was the causality that made them unravel the marvels of Reality. The Compassion, which emanates out of internalization of grief made them do it. What a contemporary compassionate person can do and does; is to present them in new set of words, with novelty of references and adding the evolving elements of knowledge, which modern science has come up with.

The only justification of ‘wording’ the Reality again is that the grief and pain are omnipotent, omnipresent and they keep prompting compassion in handful of people. It is this compassion, which ensures that all goodness and wellness ideas and words need be repeated and retold, to add to their all-pervasiveness. This in turn ensures; a handful of people, who care; who have the galvanized potential of consciousness, may save some time and energy in their personal journey to their own inevitability.

Writing for me is an enterprise in self-negation. I am in peaceful acceptance of the futility of words as carriers of intent and content. Still, I write, continuing with this 43rd eBook and if life allows, shall keep writing, negating my own deep sense of futility of the exercise. I write just for the sake of my compassion and humble self-belief that whatever I have internalized in life through a long and painful process of learning and especially unlearning; must be documented, so that if probability has it, someone; who cares; may save some precious time and energy in his or her own internalization process.

This probably is what one may accept as an inheritance worth half a dime. Compassion is what I inherited and compassion is what I can leave as legacy. I dedicate my writings to that someone, who shares my humility for acceptance of compassion. Thanks…!



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The world has 50 percent food surplus and yet one billion people are starved.

Rich countries have 300-400 percent supplies of the calorie needs of people

yet one billion people are critically undernourished. Average of 30 percent and

maximum of 40 percent food is wasted by humanity and yet, one billion

humans can’t have enough food to eat. Still, humans proudly say,

God created us and made us, What We Are…!


We Are A Scam; We Are A Species In Denial… Of REALITY

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