We Are A Scam by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Let Us Begin…

What Is A Scam? It is not a question, which we can ignore…

There is a pressing need to understand the meaning and implications of the term scam in its holism. Not that we do not know about it as everywhere, almost every day, one way or other, we come across this word. Rather, we have sort of accepted scam as part of and way of life in contemporary world.

However, there is a rather deep and life-defining implication of the idea and its universality called scam. We need to unravel it…

Literal meaning of scam; or what is there in pop perception, is somehow only a partial interpretation of larger reality, which the term scam envelops. Scam, in popular perception, means an ingenious but insincere and untruthful plan or mechanism to make money. So, largely, something to qualify as scam, it has to have two basic elements – Fraud and Profit. If we zero down to one single element that defines Scam, it has to be deceit – Deception.

Somehow, when we look into deeper aspects of this reality of deception and holism of tricking people into something; we can happily accept; this is something almost everyone does – deception and tricking the Reality; mostly to others, for personal gains. So, if we segregate the element of money-making and instead replace it with more generalist idea of gain, we broaden the scope of scam. This then envelops almost every living being; not only humans. Why?

Scientific studies confirm; all animals instinctively do Deception and Tricking – for survival optimization! This means – deception is embedded in body-mind mechanism; entrenched in life-living and well integrated inevitability in Reality. Does this mean – Scam is inseparable part of Reality? Can we say; Scam is a cosmic construct?

This however is not something we are concerned about. We have more valid and critical question and therefore, we must zero down only to the last singular answer…

To say, that we all are in some way or other; or in varying degrees, Scamsters, is nothing new. We all know it but stand in inventive denials. This denial of ‘probable’ scams is omnipresent in our relationships, life-living and personal beliefs. We all know it better than others that not only we willfully stand in denial of other’s scams to us, but also those, we do to others. This denial business is probably one domain of human life-living, where hypocrisy is minimum; otherwise…!

Therefore, we are not discussing those issues, which we all are already aware and even have a fair amount of acceptance too. What we are interested in deciphering here is macrocosmic, holistic or larger picture of the idea called scam and its universality in human world. For this to happen, we first need to broad-base the nature and scope of scam in our perceptional world.


Scam is essentially a deception of what is popularly accepted as Reality. It is like, I believe and accept something as Real and someone tricks me to accept something else as the same or even better than what I already accept as Real and True…


There is an infinite universe of perceptional reality and we all happily live in it. It is only natural that it is instinctive in the part of not only humans but millions of complex organisms to trick others to accept something as Reality. This is done for a gain – survival optimization.

For example, a wife clearly sees her husband indulging in inappropriate behavior with other women but she says, ‘Oh! He is just a bit naughty.’ The woman is scamming herself. The husband can also scam her, if need be, and would love to scam his wife by saying, ‘I was just tickling her funny bone.’

In some ways, scamming is then an instinctive and inventive artistry, wired in body-brain plexus of all living beings. Rather, it is an evolved instinct of almost all living organisms. In humans however, this instinct gets the best support of intelligence to raise it to the level of artistry and add more venom to it. When we all live in a world of infinite perceptions about Reality, there is smart and inventive competition among living beings to optimize survival potentials (gain-maximization) by deceiving or tricking others to accept some Reality as valid and genuine one, which may not be as it is made to look and exist. Therefore, everything is a game of ‘Optimization’ and it beautifully fits into the innate scheme of things in nature. How?

Reality is never singular; we all know that. Our own human world is full of infinite shades of realities, which we term as personal truths or subjective ones but equally valid and true for those who have it, live by it and even die for it. Therefore, My Reality may not be Your Reality and the vice-versa. Naturally, You and I have to compete with our subjective realities, if we are restricted to survive in a closed milieu. Optimization instinct is in all of us but whether You or I is a better scamster, shall depend on how much intelligence one adds to this instinct of scamming. That is why humans invest such premium on intelligence and smartness…

So, we all play smart and remain invested in the perpetual game of one-upmanship intelligence about attempting to make others accept a Reality, which stands profitable for us. However, in popular vocabulary, this is not called scam but intelligence or smartness; thanks to instinctive propensity of mind consciousness for denial. It shall become scam; in popular public acceptance, if the money-gain is involved or in anyway, it transgresses the boundaries of prevailing laws of the land, which itself is not singular. Also, given the wide support scamsters have in politics, religion, judicial system, governments and cultures; it is highly probable that only .01 percent of all valid scams get busted and scamsters punished. But, we are not talking about these scams…

This populist smartness-intelligence element is unashamedly flaunted and celebrated in every sphere of contemporary human world – politics, commerce, cultures, religion, academics, art, society, family, et al. And, most of us are ever-willing to accept the biggest of scamsters (smart-achievers) in all these domains as celebrities and go out of ways to ape them with fanfare. Why?

If we look at the macrocosmic picture, we can readily accept that essentially, the core culprit of humanity is the innate Plurality of Reality. As there are infinite shades of Reality, there stands an embedded potential of infinite probabilities of Scams – deceptions and tricks about presenting a Reality. As humans are essentially belief-led species; never instinctively curious about reality or factuality, it is amazingly easy for a man or woman to believe anything, which a smart trickster can make him or her to. This belief-based personal reality is a facilitative space, which makes scam an easy and often a spontaneous proposition. The smart operators in politics, religion and commerce use this facility to scam millions and ensure their profit maximization.

Scientifically speaking, humans have this instinctive urge to know. Our consciousness is designed for this inquisitiveness to optimize survival. This however is the seed of most human problems. Science says, ‘In our need to know, we readily adopt; become convicted of, literally hundreds of thousands of beliefs, based on our interpretation of our experiences, personal inferences, assumptions, probabilities, deductions, inductions, syllogisms, the beliefs of others, and myriad generalities. Most of these are subjective and subconscious’. Therefore, naturally, most, what an average person accepts as ‘I Know’, are beliefs; not facts.

This reality, which modern science has begun to understand and unravel, has been deciphered around 3000 years back and has been well documented in ancient India’s Yoga philosophy. It details the troubles of human belief system and cognitive conflations in a very objective way. How and why? As we have said before, reality is not what anyone can create. It is already there, since ages and anyone, who has this galvanized and evolved consciousness, can understand it, as those handfuls did around 3000 years back.

The core idea is; if there is one reality for not only 7.5 billion people but all zillions of living beings, there can probably be no deception, no trick and no duality of acceptance. A computer probably cannot scam other computer; given they have same hardware-software design; or even otherwise! Humans can! They can make one computer scam another one. And they always do…

This Plurality of Reality is the primary culprit of almost all ills of humanity. Scams or any other behavioral malaise of human world are only the innate and embedded manifestations of this core and critical realism that Reality is never singular. This one scam is the mother of all scams. Tragically; this is our design!

For example; the biggest and most widespread ‘scam’ for humanity is probably the religion. There are over 4000 religions and millions of gods and goddesses. People also clearly know about this larger Reality about Reality of Religion and Gods. Yet, majority of humans still do not accept the scam and never cease to get scammed. Religion is one single platform, which probably scams most people and in most ingenious ways. In long history of humanity, these faith-based scammed cognitions have killed millions of humans and still continue to kill thousands. Most of us know very well who are the scamsters, who are scammed and how. Still, we do not come out of the scam. This happens because the Reality of Divinity has infinite shades and it is possible because of different perceptional realities and belief-systems of every other human. Scam is our design.

If in more than ten thousand years of human civilization, the humanity could not be wise enough to accept this scam and make appropriate collective corrective measures; despite few geniuses in all timeline warning against it; it is more than clear that human species is the worst scammers of the universe. The contemporary humans of 21st century are worse than worst of the scamsters because, they survive primarily owing to objective scientific and technological knowledge of collective humanity and still, dump it all to stand in blind and deaf denial of the transcendental scam. It also clearly proves that it is the human design to live, prosper and continue in scam. This is key aspect of the scam we shall deal with later…

For that matter, science is also a huge platform for scam. Loads of people are scammed by tricksters making them believe that something is scientific, even when they are essentially a gimmick. It happens because science also is not singular in the large perceptional world of humanity. Different people have different ideas, notions and beliefs about science and therefore, it is easy to scam people in the name of science too. This is the trouble of the human design! When God can be scammed; why not science! Essentially, for most humans; knowledge does not matter; only faith and belief matters and therefore, only that knowledge is accepted by most humans, which suit their faith-belief-structure. The plurality of reality prospers and so does the scam…

Most scams smartly mix up reality with deception. Be it religion or science, both become tools for scam primarily because scamsters intelligently create a hypothesis based on Reality and then top it up with Deception. For example, there are zillions of nutritional supplements and vigor enhancing prescriptions in the markets and people buy them in loads. It is a multi-billion dollar industry. All of them shall tell you that it has minerals; it has those chemicals and other nutrients, which science has proved to be critical for health. True. But then, nobody shall tell you that there is no scientific evidence of foolproof health benefit of external supplementation of minerals and chemicals. Minerals are critical for health is scientific fact but then scam enters the domain when supplements claim they are great for health as they have them. Science keeps telling you that some of these supplements can actually harm you but nobody takes it seriously. This scammed life-living is our design…

Moreover, it is also known to everyone that health and vitality is a holistic idea. Minerals, vitamins et al may be great but they are only one small ‘part’ of the holism of healthy life-living and overall wellness. Taking supplements itself may just be a small ‘part’ of the overall regime of health-vitality enterprise. However, the adverts of the supplements scam you, trick our mind consciousness by presenting them as the thing for health, vigor and wellness. These scams billions of people happily buy. This scam is our design.

For example, it is a scientific fact that vitamin C is crucial for wellness and human body does not produce it. Therefore, people need to eat food rich in Vitamin C. However, it is not scientifically proven whether oral pills loaded with Vitamin C can be as good and effective as natural food. But, people buy and consume them in loads believing that it is great stuff. This is scam…

However, we are discussing scam not for all these troubles of humanity. We are into the holism of scam for a larger purpose. It is arrived when we get into the core reality of not only scam but its Causality. This is what we are doing. We are attempting to gradually arrive at the core causality of scam. When we accept scam as a shade of reality, which is not reality but a deception or trick of Reality; we arrive at the holism of scam. Scam is essentially a shade of reality, which means; it has elements of or parts of the Reality but loads of fake or unreal elements, intentionally or unintentionally done for gains.

This hypothesis about the broad-based definition of scam brings us to the core causality of all scams. Scam happens because there is part knowledge or acceptance of a Reality. People usually know a small bit; part information and have little inclination to have full and complete knowledge of a Reality. This propensity to grab and relish ‘partial’ truths and happily ignore the holism; is our design. This part knowledge, or what we can call as knowledge of just a shade of the holism of Reality makes us susceptible to scam. Scam can happen only when there is part knowledge. This ignorance about the holism of Reality actually creates a scam. This is some innate potential, anyone can be lured to avail and scam others to optimize survival potentials. All humans scam others in one way or the other. We then scam more to erect a façade of denial.

Be it religion, be it science, be it business and commerce, be it politics; most scams happen with those people who are trigger happy with their partial knowledge and are not inclined to update their knowledge to the holism of Reality. The vast majority of those people, who prioritize faith over knowledge, are easiest prey of scams as their faith has veritable mix of reality and beliefs. It happens because scam is not an act or external process of deception. It is essentially a vast domain of consciousness, where there is vacuum of uncertainty; because of lack of knowledge about the holism of Reality.

Every day, loads of scammed info are intentionally circulated in personal media, social media and even the mass media. The broad and universal intention of the scamsters floating such scammed information is to create multitude of shades of a reality so that majority of people should remain uncertain about the true and real Reality. When people have multitude of ‘part’ knowledge, it is the ideal situation for scamsters. Scam is essentially about flooding the milieus with plurality of reality, so that collective unconscious of majority of people remains multi-dimensionally faith-centric, rather than singularly knowledge-centric.

For example, it is estimated that around 25 percent of internet users are scammed involving billions of dollars. This is the figure of those, who are scammed of their moneys. If we include those, whose personal data have been compromised or have fallen prey to fake information, et al, we may very well have half the internet users falling prey to one or other form of scams. This means, over 2 billion people have been scammed just because they use some devise run on internet. Globally, there are awareness efforts to educate average people about these scam ways. In this domain, the scam happens most and people easily fall prey to primarily because computers, smart phones, internet, et al are still new thing for most people and even while they use the devices reasonably well, they have little knowledge about the vast world of artificial intelligence and its Realities. Ignorance and part knowledge makes most get scammed…

If we accept this hypothesis of scam as the universal basis of existence, then very naturally we all also have to accept that the Biggest Scam on Earth is Humanity itself. Every human being; his or her Consciousness is a scam as they are aware about just a shade of Reality; have only very partial knowledge of Reality and therefore a scam unto itself. The continued denial of human world of this reality is scam…


Every Consciousness of every human being is a Scam and this scam is embedded and entrenched because of the differentiated Cognitions of Reality. Lack of singular cognition happens because every consciousness is only in happy possession of part knowledge of Reality. Consciousness is designed to be localized and builds up its cognitive plexus from the very restrictive and partial information received within small familial-societal-cultural milieus. This partial possession of Reality is the design of consciousness for Survival Optimization. This Scam of humanity is what we have to understand, accept and take remedial measures to ensure, there is no deception in life and living. This knowledge is the only way to De-Scam our life-living and redesign the human world for lasting sanity…


We also have to understand in detail as why and how this scam of humanity is the singular cause of two worst enemies of humanity – Fear and Denial. These two elements are the worst culprits of humanity. They are the tools in the hands of the innate design of scam. Human being; as a scam, uses these two elements of fear and denial to unleash huge loads of 3Cs – Conflict, Confusion and Chaos. We must decode the scam of humanity in holism. We can then decipher and win over the two monsters of fear and denial. This eBook is about ‘De-Scamming’ the human lives with the help of singular, objective and scientific Reality. This can happen, if we accept the primary reality of our consciousness, cognition and causality. Denial has to go; for the Reality to arrive in its entirety and holism. Welcome…


Knowledge is embarrassing… Especially, the progression of mind consciousness in the long and unending road of total awareness is full of unsettling moments. It exposes an individual to the world of stark objectivity for which we are not always trained and prepared. Thankfully, realism of life and milieus are always there and it accosts us, we wish it or not…!

As knowledge begins to unravel its wings, one feels discomfited by the ignorance one had lived so far with and the subjectivity one indulged in. Primarily, this contemporary knowledge about the complexities of brain, which seeds all shades of consciousnesses and cognitions and romances with all realms of causalities, is disconcerting yet beautiful. Though, at the start of the journey to knowledge, it becomes very clear that fully understanding the intricate artistry of mind universe is huge task, one can surely learn this first major lesson of life – The Criticality Of Communication In The Intellectual Universe

Since the inception of human consciousness, three core ideas – the Milieu, the Media and the Communication have always been at the center of philosophy, to understand life and its intricacies in entirety and holism,. Definitely, science begins with philosophies and therefore could not sideline these core issues. Science and philosophies are majorly about the three in its entirety and holism. But then, the trouble is – the road of knowledge about these issues is long and journeys are tough.

Especially, at the beginning, knowledge engenders loads of fears and then, along the challenge to face the new knowledge, stands this daunting task of deciphering the fears and managing them well. This fear is the mother of loads of denials, which become a routine of life-living. Journeying beyond fear and denials is very tough and that is why only a handful actually has the wherewithal to continue with this unending journey of knowledge.

Not only in contemporary human society, rather in all times in history, if one looks at the extent of the content of fear, one can understand very well the causality between knowledge and fear as well as its debilitating impact on society. One is truly awestruck by the enormity and extent of mind disorders the humanity is faced with; now and in past. There are so many phobias that it seems, there is nothing that does not have the potential to spark off fear in a human mind. One is truly apprehensive and in great dismay that anybody, at any given time, could be affected by one mind disorders or the other that originates in fears…

This knowledge that people in large number, all throughout ages in the long history of civilization, had been in great pains and sufferings because of something which contemporary science says were actually never there is very painful acceptance! A fear that was never there, a reason not fit for being depressed, a disability which never was one but the mind did accept them as if they were. Add to it the scare that humanity has entered a phase where ‘mind disorders’ stand as the largest destabilizing factor for larger population…

This leads us to a realization that worst enemy of humanity is knowledge and best friend of humanity is knowledge…! The difference, of course, is in its content. Part knowledge or wrong knowledge or perceptional wisdom is worst enemy to humanity and it is such a pain that humans and their intelligent leaderships never accept dissemination of right and objective knowledge as singular primary business of humanity…

This fear and its manifestations in disordering mind consciousness emanate out of part knowledge or wrong knowledge or perceptional wisdom. Fear itself is a symptom of a disease, which is all about the specificity of subjective and perceptional mind consciousness, bereft of holism of wisdom…

Contemporary world and most of its troubles are majorly because of the lack of holistic knowledge in the three core areas of Milieus, Media and Communication. A person, who lacks holistic knowledge about his Milieus – both inside his body-mind as well as outside in society and cultures, lacks understanding of how consciousness itself is a Media and lacks knowledge about how everything – within his/her body-mind as well as the cosmos, Communicates with each other, is likely to exhibit the symptoms of fear, phobia and shades of mind disorders.

That is why; contemporary human world needs to reinvest all its resources and energies into core issues. Humans are marvels of mystically magical mechanisms of cosmic construct, which humanity may never fully decipher and understand. However, we have very well understood the skeleton structure of Realism and how it unravels to us. This itself is the right road to travel and even if the journey is unending, it is full of confidence, awareness and joyfulness of fearlessness… What better…!

It is time for everyone to accept the primary scam of humanity. We and our consciousness is a scam and this scam is a reality. There has to be a singular effort as correction of this scam of consciousness. The human world shall always remain a theatre of absurd and insanity if this scam is allowed to not only continue but prosper. The best possible way for an individual to come out of this scam is to understand in details about the scam, the fear and denial elements of scammed consciousness and the above-mentioned three elements of Milieus, Media and Communication. This eBook shall detail all these.
