What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


Hello President

I have an announcement to make. Today I would like to officially congratulate you. I want to congratulate you for being the President. Some of you reading this might already be presidents of nations and companies, in which case my best wishes to you are delayed. But, for the majority of you reading this, you might ask, ‘the President of what’?

In every one of us is a life, waiting to be fully lived. For every life that exists, there is a President that runs it.

You are the President of your life.

You dictate how things go and how you would like to deal with things. This is your life. It is your ownership and your responsibility. You are accountable for the good and the bad that’s in it. If you want more of the good, and less of the bad, then it is up to you to make that decision and take action.

Like any President, there comes responsibility with your title.  You must ensure to utilize the resources around you for maximum good. This means that it will be deemed completely unresourceful of you, to live a life that is far beyond your actual potential.  It would be like wasting previous natural resources found within the country, and as a result failing to contribute to society at large.

Do you want to be a President who is remembered or soon forgotten? Those remembered are usually the ones who faced major challenges, more accurately; it’s more to do with how they dealt with those challenges.

You have been born with a responsibility, and that’s to take your unique talent and ability and create maximum good. Not just for yourself (because that’s selfish), but also for the people around you.

Look in the mirror and see the President in you.

There is something that you can do, for a greater good, for a greater cause, one that is far bigger than just yourself.

Find it, and then, do it.

That’s what every winner does.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 7.