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Winning Truth Number


More than a Game of One

One day on a thirty-minute break whilst working at McDonalds, I remember looking up after having devoured my lunch. The pin-up note read:

TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More

It made enough sense to me in the context of working at McDonalds, after all, we all worked together to ensure the restaurant functioned smoothly.

However, years down the road, I realized that winners win through the power of having the right team. Winners understand the importance and difference having a winning team can make. It’s more than just having a bunch of people around them.

Often people look at winners as the be all and end all. They fail to see the people behind the scenes that have undeniably helped in elevating the winner. These are the people in the foreground and many that are in the background. These are the people that make it happen. These are the people that are often not made public to the eye or even made a mention of. However, they constitute the pillars with which any winning individual can stand on and perform at their very best, knowing that they will be supported through thick and thin.

Whatever you’re into, the people around you make all the difference. If you are an athlete, then the right coach, trainer, nutritionist is crucial. If you are a CEO, then the right mix of lawyers, accountants and advisors are imperative. Donald Trump has a winning team. 50 Cent has a winning team. Oprah Winfrey has a winning team. Steven Spielberg has a winning team. Tiger Woods has a winning team.

The power you can attain from having the right people around you is beyond the comprehension of most people. Your team can be in the form of a support group, mastermind, or a circle of winning minds. Whether you are starting off or well on your way to winning, it’s paramount to have the right circle (one of the reasons we have created the exclusive Winners Inner Circle which you can check out on www.KevinAbdulrahman.com).

Winners understand that the game is not played solo. They need a team and the members need to be great. They need to be on par with the winner, and in fact in most cases, need to be better than the winner (in their field of expertise). That’s why you have them there in the first place. A team complements the winners’ strength and provides the support needed for continuous growth.

A well-orchestrated team can play the masterpiece you desire.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 21.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top conference speaker Chennai