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Winning Truth Number


The Purpose

In my first book Winning The Game Of Life I mentioned that most people spend more time doing their hair or planning their summer holidays than actually planning their lives. As part of the planning requisite, you must ask and understand the answer to the question, ‘what is your purpose’?

Why is it important for you to know your purpose? The state that you can see most people are in should be enough of an answer. Unhappy, unfulfilled, hating what they do, will drop everything at the chance of escapism (sadly through substance abuse and even lingering purposelessly online) are but a few examples of how many are unfortunately living their life.

All Winners have a sense of purpose. They have thought of the things they can have, do and give in this world. They have narrowed it down to and clarified their answers to the questions, ‘What do I want? And why do I want to do it’? Having that clarity gives them the force to begin, hang in and achieve their goals.

Having purpose is having clarity of where you want to head and knowing without a shadow of doubt that it’s what you want to throw yourself into whole heartedly.

Is this an overnight process? I wish I could give you an answer. Some of you will know your purpose already, whilst others will take hours, days and if not weeks. But whatever the time you need, invest it in discovering yourself and finding out what will make you tick. Only when you find your reason, your purpose, something greater than yourself, can you begin your journey of winning.

So here are some questions to get you started. Grab some paper (or a blank book) and start writing. Write the answers to the questions below. Write anything that comes to your mind. Write freely, and with no judgment. Just write. In your writing will be your answer.

What is your aim in life? What one thing would you like to achieve in your life? What will ultimately make you happy? How can you contribute in the long term to something that is far bigger than you? Why do you want to do what you want to do? What joy will you get out of it? What will you be missing out on as a result of pursuing what you want? Is it worth it? Is it something you love, and are good at (or can be good at with practice)?

This Truth is a truth that will require you to spend time searching from within.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 23.

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