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Winning Truth Number


One Blink is All It Takes

How long does it take to change? Ask a winner, and they will tell you that if it serves their purpose then they will change in a heartbeat.

The majority would like to give you a long-winded answer and justification as to why it takes a long time to change. Some will try to say that change is difficult and that it would take a long time. Others will tell you that they can’t, and that’s just the way that they are.  What a load of bull c*@^.

I will suggest that those who are averse to change or crib about it saying that change is a difficult process don’t have a strong enough reason to do so. Change can take place in an instance. As soon as you have a strong reason and make a decision, you can change. How quick? A blink, a snap of a finger, a heartbeat quick.

Winners are able to attach an important reason to what they need to do, and their change can be miraculously quick. When push comes to shove, winners change for the better in an instant.

I remember the time when a friend of mine smoked. He started chain smoking in his late teens. Every time we would go to a café, we’d have to sit outside in order for him to smoke. He would talk about quitting but found it too hard to do so. I always told him that he didn’t have a strong enough reason to quit. Years went by and between my travels we connected on one occasion. We went to a café to grab a latte and chat like old times. To my surprise, he picked a cozy corner inside the café. After a couple of hours of chatting I couldn’t contain myself and had to ask. ‘How are you coping with not having lit a cigarette’?

He replied, ‘Dude, the lady of my life that I’ve been telling you about, well she is a non-smoker and within a few months of our dating, she told me how much she disliked my breath. I knew that I had to make a choice and let go of one. The lady of my life is worth far more to me than the joy of smoking. I haven’t touched a cigarette since nor I feel the desire to smoke’.

My friend needed a strong reason and he happened to find it in his lady.

How long does it take to really change? Well if you have a strong reason, then the answer is, now.

Winners find a strong reason to back their decision to change, and then do so, in a blink.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 41.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Doha