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Ten Reasons To Have Kevin Abdulrahman

(The Man Inspiring Millions) at your Next Event

  • Attendees of Kevin Abdulrahman’s Talk Regularly Vote him as The Best Motivational Speaker across Asia, Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent – He is The Hottest Speaker in the Region.
  • Kevin Abdulrahman Makes for the Face of the people who are the Driving Force of Today and the Powerhouse of Tomorrow. 
  • Kevin Abdulrahman is a Speaker that Connects with his audience.
  • He Designs and Delivers his message with Impact.  He is Informative and Inspiring.
  • Kevin Abdulrahman is known to be an Easy Speaker to Work With. He takes pride in taking on a partnership role with any organiser ensuring a Winning Result.
  • Kevin Abdulrahman is Committed to this Region so is always open to discussing more than just a one-off talk.
  • Kevin Abdulrahman Always seeks to create a Winning and Lasting Impact beyond a requested Keynote Speech.  This is done through book deals made available for your Audience as take home gifts for a lasting Impact.
  • Kevin Abdulrahman will happily Contribute articles to your local newspaper/magazine/in-house newsletters
  • Kevin Abdulrahman will happily go on air to help Promote the Event For you & With You.   
  • Kevin Abdulrahman wants you to be an integral part of the vision to reach 1 Billion people, to help them Get Inspired, Get Informed & Get Going!!!