What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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With the amazing times we live in, the Internet is a place where people can come together and share information. If you have found anything useful from this book you may find that you may want to take your journey further with Samuel with his online classes. There are many topics that he covers and are an extension from what you have just absorbed. He is consistently producing new classes to make sure that you are getting the most out of YOUR potential. All classes are taught via webinar and are 1.5hrs each once a week for the duration of that particular class. See below for some of Samuell’s current classes.

All classes can be found on www.SBentaLifeCoach.Com


This class was a huge success in 2015 with students from not only the UK but also various states of USA.



Are you a parent? Then this will be perfect for your child. The course is designed for males and females aged 15 upwards. This informative visual course deals with young men and women and the fundamentals of how their mind works, and gives them a very comprehensive insight into how they themselves can change their own thinking, and gradually break down the current internal limiting barriers, which impedes them from advancing mentally. Raising their awareness and breaking down destructive hypnotic perceptions that keep them captive, they will gain a confidence to step out on ideas that they want to create with a firm conviction that their ideas are possible. Samuel embodies universal principles leaving students with an understanding that success is solely down to the individual and how they think about themselves. This course will not only help the student do better in life but leave them feeling more grounded within themselves, having no blame to the outside world. The course is also designed to bring the student not to see obstacles as problems but to embrace them for their own growth and assist them in having better, healthier relationships and loving themselves. Their world will expand in ways they never thought possible. All men are kings. All women are queens.

