When Jesus Makes A Path: Discovering His Presence In The Midst Of The Hurdles by Author George Papakonstantinou - HTML preview

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Pick God Over Greed


Then he prayed, “Lord, you are the God of my master Abraham. Give me success today. Be kind to my master Abraham.”

I’ve found that if you work too hard and try to accomplish everything on your own you become a servant to work, obsessing over your job, grades, or other tasks. You then start to idolize your work instead of keep your focus on God. Life is busy and stressful, and it can be very difficult to find peace within this fallen world.

Say “There’s a lot on my plate, and God, I need Your help with all of it. Please keep my mind focused on You and make me Your servant, not a slave to this work.”

There is only so much our body is capable of accomplishing. We have to keep pressing on. Not in a way that makes us more tired, but press on with our faith: the ultimate weapon against flaming arrows. We have our faith forever, and if we learned to stand by our faith in The Lord, things would not feel as exhausting. I’ve learned prayer releases so many more blessings, so much more strength, and unmatched power than we give it credit for.

Not only that, but prayer advances us much more than studying or working longer hours will. Working harder means making our bodies more sore. Praying more means God carving a path for you while you rest. Prayer will launch you further not only in your finances but in every area of your life. Just say: “Lord, I’ll stand by You today, no matter how hard it gets. You see the big picture, and I know whatever happens today will be used to propel me forward, not backward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen, Amen, and Amen.”

The world is filled with hard-working people. That’s good. God doesn’t want us to sit around wasting the potential hidden inside of us. But where we should draw the line is when our work makes us say, “If I just work a few more hours and focus I know I can get it done by myself” instead of letting God guide us and help us with the work. We can assume that most of time, working hard leads to some form of success or fulfillment. But don’t think God loves you less because you haven’t found a lot of success in some area of your life yet, or because you could improve financially.

God’s love is everlasting, and His plans are perfect. If you could see His visions for where you are headed, you would never believe it. He’s taking you to where no fancy degree, the hardest work ethic, or best golden opportunity could ever compete with. He has a reason for everything, and you might still be struggling with finances because God wants to keep you high in faith, humble in heart, and strong in trust.

Too many people confuse pride with confidence. God wants us to be confident in Him and put confidence in Him, not on our own strength. What God doesn’t want is for us to become arrogant and take glory. Remember, Jesus came to save those who recognized they were sinners and that He was the One who came to set them free. Nothing is more satisfying and humbling than boasting the power of God.

Only He grants true success, many times as a test of faith to see who can stay as humble as before. Of course, not everyone with financial blessings becomes arrogant, but God just wants us to use His gifts to us for His gain and for helping others. Ask for God to bless your finances so you can help others with it and give it back to Him.

Let’s credit God for all blessings, even when we find financial stability and freedom, and even tithe that money to help His people and that glory may be brought to His Name. The Bible says God even delights in His servant’s success. That means we don’t have to feel bad about being successful, but we should thank God for it and remain humble yet confident. Give God all the glory today. Think about your status, position, success, and how far you’ve come. Realize none of that came on your own, and with humility, thank God for getting you to this point. Just like 2 Chronicles 7:14 promises, as long as we humble ourselves and seek God in everything we do, He will forgive and we will prosper.

None of us have the perfect financial situation. God blesses those who serve Him, give to His people, tithe even when money is scarce, work hard, and appreciate everything they are given, regardless of how small it all may seem. The great thing about The Lord Almighty is He can turn those few dollars into thousands for you. I encourage you to realize the power of giving to others. When we serve and help others, we are helping God’s people.

When we do that, God sees our kindness and sacrifices to help others, and reaches His loving arms out to us and not only magnifies but multiplies what you already have. God gives you the fruit of The Holy Spirit.

Sadly, in the greed-filled world we live in, money seems to drive people’s decisions. Which job they take. Of course, we have to do what is right for our specific situation and family. But, strive to look at success through the eyes of faith not through the flesh, which just sees money. You will see divine blessings when you are motivated by God and not money. God will grant you what you need, but chasing money is chasing a powerless item. Just when you think it’s hopeless, God intervenes and grants you riches that are better than anything we could ever buy with money.

Proverbs 21:5 tells us, “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenty; but the thoughts of everyone who is hasty only to poverty.” What does it mean to be diligent? To do well in school, help your parents, or be honest? Yes, those are all great forms of diligence, but when we showcase obedience by yielding to God’s guidance, God rewards us with plenty of riches beyond our wildest dreams. Those riches could come in any shape. He could give you that job, that acceptance letter, that good health report, bonus, promotion, or even reveal to the spiritual gifts that He has given you. Obeying God means putting Him first, and diligently striving for spiritual growth. Like in any great relationship, you enjoy spending as much time with that other person or people as possible.

Well, imagine how God feels when we merely call upon His name in despair or troubling times. Of course, we should always call to Him in times of need, but God wants our whole hearts, meaning He wants us to talk with Him when in need and just because we want to; He wants to see us gladly obeying His commandments and thanking Him out of our own love for Him. God sacrificed His only begotten Son to die for you—all out of love and hope for you to live in diligence for Him!

Proverbs 24:3-4 says that by wisdom, “A house is built, and by understandings established and knowledge, the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” When God gives us wisdom, it is like He takes over for our thinking and us and makes decisions for us. Wisdom cannot be fully explained, or understood, because it is when God gives us answers and thinking that is beyond our own capacity. Of course, with experience comes wisdom, but never underestimate simply asking God for His wisdom, which is far different from natural wisdom caused by experience. Ask Him for wisdom to make the right decision in that difficult situation, to know which way to turn, and to hear His guiding voice.

Proverbs 10:4 says, “Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, but the hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” Being rich in The Lord is different from being wealthy with money. The difference is God’s gifts are greater than any amount of money. God gives us what money cannot buy—family, joy, and His peace. Without God we are nothing, regardless of our financial status. No amount of money can compare to the love Jesus Christ gives us.

If we are diligent in Christ, meaning we put Him first and have Him as our motivation and our drive, He will reward us with His fruit of the Holy Spirit—true richness. Enduring financial struggles may seem overwhelming, but what you might not see is God already shifting things around for you and your family, bringing that blessing closer to you. He wants you to be happy, stable, and secure.

But first you have to take refuge in Him and ask Him to take the pain, obstacles, and struggles from your hands and admit it is too much to handle on your own. Once God is in control, He will not only carry you through as a survivor, but He will make you thrive and live a happy, prosperous life.

God sees everything we do, meaning every time we look to Him or even say a short prayer, He rewards us even in the slightest way which is still more than we could ever deserve. He knows how hard it is, all the pain and sorrow that you may have endured.

But, if you just press on and continue, He will make you rich with love and righteousness. Pray for supernatural success to fall into your lap by His grace and favor—He will always answer you. He says riches and wealth are found in His House, and He isn’t lying.

Faith Reminder

No amount of money can match the Love that God offers us. He loves and accepts us regarding our financial status, and rewards those who earnestly seek Him instead of the world and its greed. The world revolves around money, but that doesn't mean we have to accept the world. Make it your goal to abandon your life in the world and seek the riches of life in Christ.