When Jesus Makes A Path: Discovering His Presence In The Midst Of The Hurdles by Author George Papakonstantinou - HTML preview

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Trusting The Wait Is Over

PSLAM 9:10

Those who know your name will trust in you, for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

How can we be Christians—or follow God at all—without trusting God? Not just trusting Him when we are desperate or just when we feel like it, but how can we criticize others for not opening their hearts to Christ if we don’t trust Him wholeheartedly?

Trust, along with faith, is at the core of Christianity—without trust, we have nothing. Lacking in trust results in the most common personal difficulties we face in life—it is the cause for anxiety, fear, worry, and depression, and many others. How can you feel blessed and anointed when you spend time questioning if God will come through for you, or make the right decision? I don’t mean to be blunt, but trusting God through thick and thin is just too important to not emphasize. We are sinning and grieving God when we don’t trust Him!

This is the real test for people—yes it’s easy to say you’re a Christian and you believe in God, but what good is that if you always plan ahead and think of what you will do if God doesn’t come through for you? Having that attitude will prevent you from growing in the full potential God sees in you. As Christians, our spiritual growth depends on trusting Jesus, and His power. If we don’t, there is no room for Him to bless us. It’s either all Jesus or nothing.

Many people are scared or uncomfortable at first with trusting Jesus with their entire life, but it gets easier once you see the great things He can do with, and for, you. He will transform your life and reward your trust. He will make it easier for you to submit your cares to Him. God longs for your trust, and will do everything to earn it by revealing His goodness to you in some incredible way. You will soon be transformed to live in a way where you realize you can’t last one second without Jesus and His help. You will see how crazy the idea of trusting in your own power compared to Jesus’ is.

Some of the biggest blessings come as a result from bold leaps of faith—times when there is nothing left for us to do and we completely leave it in God’s hands, trusting in His power. Do you want to pretend like you’ve got it covered if God doesn’t answer your specific prayer, or live a life of faith by trusting Him, knowing that He will answer the prayer in a bigger, better way? I encourage you to lean on Him, and say, “God, this is out of my hands. I’m letting go and letting You lead. I trust You, Jesus.”

Rest in what Psalm 37:3 tell us: "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture." God wants to impress you with His marvelous power. Let Him show you what He can do for you. Trusting God means letting go of fear, predicting the future, all those doubtful thoughts saying, "What if this happens?" The more you trust the Lord, the more magnified miracles you will see. He cannot release the blessings reserved for you if all you do is doubt Him. Just submit yourself to Him, and feel His secure hands cradling you.

Psalm 13:5 says, "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.” God’s love for you never changes. He doesn’t wake up and change His mind about how bright His love is for you. He never gets tired of loving and helping you, which is why we should never get tired of serving Him. His love is unconditional. It is there for us regardless of our sins or how we were raised. It is everlasting.

It is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His love offers us salvation, and whenever we feel down, empty, or broken, we trust in His unfailing love to bring us through it and fill the voids in our hearts with His Light. Maybe some people or bad breaks got the best of you in the past, but God is erasing all of that pollution off of the shining glass of your life. Get ready to shine!

Psalm 20:7 says that while, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” I want to remind all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to never underestimate the power of trusting God.  It doesn’t matter what your friends do or who they trust the most. Stay strong in faith and know who you are in Christ. You are a child of the most precious God and are smart enough to understand the power in trusting God.

Even if you walk alone in your journey with God, and have to leave others behind, rest assured He will comfort you and He is the only One you can fully trust with all your life. He promises us if we trust Him, He will make a way and fix everything, if we just give Him time. That doesn’t mean He can’t work fast—Jesus turned water into wine within a blink of an eye—but He wants to show you every case scenario and give you a new perspective on your life through different experiences. That sounds vague at first, but trust God and you will begin to understand how He works. He wants only the best for you. Trust in Jesus, our Lord and God.

Isaiah 26:3 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” We think differently when we have God on our minds. Not only does He cleanse our body, mind, soul, and all thoughts, but He also gives us wisdom and insight as to what we should think about. You probably haven’t thought about the power of our thoughts. He wants us to use even the smallest thoughts to bless His name.

Even a silent, quick prayer can shift your situation. It means you took that initiative to silently surrender your circumstances to God. He knows all our thoughts before we even think of them, so why not use them to glorify Him? You will see larger blessings as you continue to think of His goodness throughout the day. Despite your hectic schedule, you can make time to silently pray and mentally surrender your cares to God. He will grant you the answers, just stay focused on Him!

Sometimes our times of trouble are used to bring us closer to God. Psalm 46:1 says “To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth. A Song. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” God uses our troublesome times only for our good. He’s not being mean. He doesn’t enjoy seeing us suffer. But, He loves watching us rely on Him during our distress. He smiles when we rely on Him. Then He helps us and takes care of the issue. The trouble in your life is no match for God!

Faith Reminder

Trusting God is a daily task. With the demands from the world and all of the busy schedules, it can all seem overwhelming. Continue striving to place God at the front of your thoughts and ask Him for peace to overflow in your heart so you’re not worried about all of the tasks surrounding you. Trust that He will get you to the places He wants you at, and watch Him work wonders in your heart as He takes care of everything on your behalf.