When Jesus Makes A Path: Discovering His Presence In The Midst Of The Hurdles by Author George Papakonstantinou - HTML preview

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Proclaim Victory Today

JOEL 11:12

‘Even now,’ declares the LORD, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.’

In Jeremiah 29:11, Jesus declared, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Notice how much confidence Christ carried with Him, knowing truly that He has your plan mapped out. God spoke and declared each one of His children will prosper in their lives. He didn’t just say that, but He declared it with assurance. This verse shows us the power of our words. Similar to that, the saying “You control your own destiny” in part means that we have the power through how we speak and act to get the outcome we wanted. If we think negative thoughts, and tell everyone we won’t make it, we won’t get that promotion, or aren’t good enough. If we go around saying we won’t succeed, not much good will comes as a result.

On the other hand, if we declare our confidence in Christ, we give our future to Him and allow Him to take control of our situation. That means we give Him permission to intervene and do what we thought couldn’t be done. God is not limited by possibilities; nothing can beat God. Declaring His sovereignty shifts our focus from our problems to His power. He turned water into wine. He multiplied food supply by a mere touch. His Word is a gift to us. He tells us about His miracles, unlimited power, and how everything He declares is nothing but the truth.

Along these same lines, we should strive to declare the victory of Jesus over all the trials and tribulations we face. This reminds us that He has the final say. His power cannot be overcome. You might not think the words you say hold much power, but imagine this. God is lining up something huge for you—He’s about to answer a prayer you’ve spoken for months, maybe even years. But you start doubting Him, thinking the waiting won’t do any good. Your mind tells you that you’ve wasted time waiting for something that won’t come. You start telling people not to expect any good news anytime soon. No breakthroughs coming. God might not answer the prayer then.

It’s up to Him in the end as to which calls are answered, but He definitely rewards those who stay in persistent prayer, trust Him, and who claim their future according to His Name and Word. He will blow the winds of favor and miracles your way.

This principle in part accounts for the power of prayer, when we speak aloud and converse with God about our problems. In doing this we shift our problems and burdens from our shoulders over for God to handle.

Although God is the only One who knows the full blueprint of our future, we still have a say in how our plans turn out. Success of any kind usually comes as a result of hard work, but I want to encourage you to practice proclaiming your future the way you want it to turn out,  and use the power of words for good. Instead of giving up, going around saying, “I’ll never get that good break, the chances are too slim, it just won’t work out, it’s simply too hard,” put your head up, proclaim your trust in Christ, and speak out loud that He will have victory over all the hurdles. There is true power in speaking and grabbing God’s attention, permitting Him to intervene and fight for you—and we both know what God will then do: win. He has never let you down, and He never will. If He can turn water into wine, then He can take care of whatever situation you are dealing with.

Most people know the generally accepted truth: Jesus Christ died on the Cross. But I encourage you to make the power of His sacrifice part of your daily thinking and meditation. Our bodies, made of flesh, die each day, and the only One who can revive us and renew our spirits is Jesus Christ. His blood is everlasting freedom and the only true way to become born-again. His blood transforms. His blood never lets us down. Just like His Love, His blood never fails. His scars are the reason we are alive. Even with all of the shame and violence thrown towards Him, He continued living a perfect, sinless life and still chose to take our place at Calvary.

The Bible says God The Father turned His back at one point while watching Jesus on the Cross. Even though God knew the plan He had for His Son—that He would die but rise three days later—we still need to understand His pain watching His Son being tortured was enough to make Him look away. He endured that pain just for us. The more we understand the true power of Jesus’ sacrifice, the clearer we will become in understanding how much He loves us, why He loves us, and how He shows that everyday. He loves you the same regardless of what you do. What sins you commit. What thoughts you think. It doesn’t matter. His grace is enough to cover us in His perfect Love unconditionally and for eternity. Just think about that. How incredible is His love?

We are saved for eternity thanks to Jesus. Because of what He endured on the Cross of Calvary, you can live free of darkness and instead with the Light of God in your heart. Not just for a day or week, but God has already rescued your soul for the rest of time. If there is one thing to know about life it is that Jesus died for you to have the life that you have. Everything about your life that makes it unique and different from everyone else’s life is exactly why Jesus gave up His: He wanted you to have all of the things that you do today.  That includes the problems in your life, too, but Jesus knew that they would only bring you closer to Him.

He knew your life would be good enough that it was worth every second of His pain, and because of His Love for us and desire for us to live with Him forever, He took the price. Our lives and our souls are in God’s hands. He already knows everything that waits for us in the future. Think about the Cross everyday. Nothing can separate you form God’s grace. Because of what Jesus did for us, we have His permanent forgiveness and love, and He promised no matter how much good or bad we do, He will love us all the same. Don’t try to impress God, and don’t think that you earn God’s love by praying for a certain amount of time or helping others daily—you have His love just because you are His child. Just sit in silence and proclaim the truth of Jesus:

When we can’t stand on our own, we can fall on God and rely on His strength. He is solid and will never let us fall. God is the reason why we are set free from all sins. God knows everything about each and every one of His children. Not one of His creations is forgotten. The Bible says that He has you imprinted on the palms of His hands. Even though Jesus didn’t have to die for you, He chose to out of His relentless love He has for you.

None of us are worthy of what He did, but Christ looked at us as worthy of saving. Nothing can separate you from God. No amount of mistakes or sins can make God love you less. Jesus loved you perfectly on the Cross and He never changes—neither does His love. God can’t love you more on some days than others, either. His love is forever the same. God is using every obstacle in your life to bring you a brighter future.

He is just equipping you for the blessings headed your way. Stop whatever you are doing now and read aloud these prayers and confess all your past mistakes and transgressions to God. He will cleanse you in His blood and clothe you in His robe of righteousness if you really repent and surrender to His Word and Will for your life. Today, proclaim out loud the things God is doing for you, the breakthroughs He is giving you, the doors He is opening, and the freedom He is giving you:

I declare God is anointing me with wisdom to see through His vision and through eyes of love. When we ask earnestly, God hears us and grants us undeniable wisdom and supernatural gifts straight from His hand that no amount of money can purchase and no human can replicate.

I declare I’m changed by God’s grace and I’m leaving behind the person I used to be.

You are not who anyone but God, your Creator, says you are. Take off the labels of your past and wear the grace and righteousness that God’s given you.

I declare I am redeemed and brand new because God has given me a second chance. God is forgiving. He will give you the second chance you ask for as you serve Him with all your heart. His blood is the only solution to the pain caused by sin. When you ask, He will pour His precious blood on your heart, transforming you forever. He will mold you into the person He created you to be.

I declare God is making a path for me even when it seems hopeless. God’s plan for us is better than what we can see. It’s more than we think is possible. He already knows the exact moment when that breakthrough comes along. When that healing comes. When that promotion comes. He knows where this road is leading. He knows the hurdles and bumps, but more importantly, He is getting you to that place where you will look back and understand He knew what was right all along. Don’t stop fighting, God’s plan for you is on course and the solution is right around the corner.

I declare God is strong when I am weak. Many people think they must be perfect and have it all together every second of the day. Don’t worry if you feel burnt out or not good enough. God is fighting on your behalf and knows all your needs. Take refuge in Him and place your confidence in Him, not yourself. Put your trust in His power and watch Him take you further than you could ever go on your own even in years.

I declare when I fall, Jesus picks me back up again. Jesus lives inside of you, and you are part of the body of Christ. You are priceless to God, a masterpiece, and because of that He will never let you fall or feel hopeless. Ask Him to replenish you; He is more than happy to lift you up.

I proclaim the heavy weights and earthly burdens are being lifted off by the strength and grace of my Savior. Worship takes our focus off of our problems. Our energy is built by praising God; He instills His peace and freshness within us as a result of glorifying Him. He fills us with His living water springs. He will lift your eyes up from the worries of your life and let you watch Him bless you instead of let you watch your problems pile up.

I proclaim all anxiety, chains, bondages, and controlling thoughts have left and have made room for me to fully worship God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. No longer is your mind full of earthly desires and sinful thinking. He has made you whiter than snow. The power of His blood is more than enough to cleanse you and He has set you free from all bondages. Now you can focus solely on worshipping Him.

I proclaim The Holy Spirit is living inside of me, guiding me, praying for me, and redeeming me. His Light is within you. Ask God to shine His favor and Light upon your face. Never think He is distant from you; He will always be right there in your heart!

I proclaim God is giving me life through His Light. The breath of God gives us life. Ask Him to breathe winds of favor, excellence, and blessings towards you and your loved ones.

I proclaim God is breathing on me His grace, wisdom, peace, and tranquility. God is residing in your heart, and saying, “Prepare for gifts that will rain from My Kingdom like rain into your heart.”

I proclaim God is breathing favor upon my loved ones. God isn’t just blessing you, but He also knows the needs of your family and is right there with them, helping them, giving guidance, and blessing them behind their wildest dreams. He is uniting you all through the power of His blood and make you have a stronger bond than ever before. Claim it in the name of Jesus Christ!

I proclaim I am worthy of God’s love. Don’t think you have too many problems or are too weak or unintelligent to be worthy of God’s love. We are all sinners, but that’s why we need the love of God and His comfort in this fallen world. Appreciate the love God has for you and love Him back!

I proclaim God has not left me or failed me, and He never will think of forsaking me. When you think God has failed you, think again. He plans everything out right; everything He does is perfect. Don’t lose sight of the fact that He will prosper you and not fail you.

I proclaim God is crushing my enemies and is winning all my battles on my behalf. You’re not alone in all of your battles. God is always victorious. He overcame the world by rising from the dead after His crucifixion. If He can do that, He can defeat your enemies.

I admit that I am strong enough to admit I’m weak without God, but stronger, with Him, than any obstacle. Don’t fall under the thought that running to God for help means you’re weak or not good enough to fight your own battles. God says only fools think like this. You were not made strong enough to make it on your own. We are all sinners—the only help that is true is God!

I proclaim God is able to turn any situation around and win even if the result is not what I expected or wanted. All it takes is one blink of God’s eye to turn around a problem or issue. Just like that, He can bring you an answer. Just stay in constant belief. He’s getting you places. Just trust Him.

I proclaim the Light He brings to my heart is unmatched and impossible to compete with. God’s power is something so great and perfect nobody can understand it completely and definitely not even come close to matching.

I proclaim my mind is cleared and cleansed from all earthly pleasures and polluted desires. Your thinking will become so much clearer with God putting your focus on Him. You will see the answers to your problems with clarity from Him. God has equipped you with Heavenly thinking. He sees and knows the answers. Ask Him to grant you the wisdom to see them.

I proclaim my prayers will be bigger, bolder, and will be answered in Jesus’ Name. Don’t be afraid to pray big, bold, and God-sized prayers. It’s good to ask God for help to get through the day, but take the leap of faith and pray for that new house, that promotion, or to be financially blessed to the point where you can help more people, because God will reward your large faith with extraordinary answers.

I proclaim God is working within me, raising my faith up and giving me magnified miracles. Continue to strive to strengthen your faith each day. Never think you pray enough, have enough faith, or have as much of God as you deserve. Every day is a gift from God for you to use to grow closer to Him and receive more of His gifts!

I proclaim my prayers are heard even when I don’t think they are. Even when we doubt our prayers are heard, God always hears and answers them. He even knows our thoughts and prayers and needs before we do. Rest assured your prayers are not going unheard or unanswered.

I proclaim God is infusing me with wisdom to pray for things I previously didn’t think about praying for. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom to pray for things that we didn’t think needed prayer, things we thought were too difficult to pray for. God is saying no prayer is too big for Him. Every prayer makes us grow closer to Him.

I proclaim God has saved His best plans for me for now. Every obstacle you’ve faced has led you to be as strong as you are today. God is ready to unleash the huge blessing He has stored just for you. If it wasn’t for those obstacles in your past you wouldn’t be prepared, and God knows the details. Be prepared and claim that your time to be blessed is now.

I proclaim God’s cup of love never stops flowing. God never stops loving us. Never.

I proclaim I will step out of darkness and now live in my Savior, Jesus Christ and His Light. God is Light. God is Love. Without God we are nothing. With Him nothing is out of reach. When we join hands with Jesus, the darkness of this fallen world is casted out and our sins are forgiven. All the guilt and shame leaves. Joining with Christ means we can enjoy His Heavenly peace here on Earth. 

I proclaim because of what Jesus did for me on the Cross, He has shown that nothing is out of reach for Him. If God can beat death and the whole entire world, why do we doubt at all? Why bother worrying if God can make it happen if we know He can?

I proclaim God’s love will sustain me and bring joy unspeakable to my life. Joy unspeakable cannot be expressed in words. Ask God to show you joy unspeakable and the power of His love. Watch what He does for you!

I proclaim my vital need for a Savior. The basis of living free in God begins by humbly recognizing that you need a Savior, and that Jesus is vital in everything we do. He is the only source of freedom from the shame sin brings upon us. He is the only way for resurrection of a new life in Heaven. We were all born as sinners; we all need Jesus, for He is the only One worthy of our praise. God loves you despite your shortcomings. You will never meet anyone who loves you as much as God does! He is the great I AM. God is not dead. He is still living in your heart, watching you, praying on your behalf, and blessing you second after second after second!

I proclaim God’s not finished with me yet; He is just getting warmed up for the bright future ahead of me. You have a bright prosperous future ahead of you—The Lord promised us that in His Word. Don’t fear about where you are going because the best is yet to come. The future is blindingly bright. The tunnel is ending; the Light is shining on you. Step into the shoes of blessings—you won’t be taking them off soon.

I proclaim God’s blessings and favor will rain on me like a supernatural rainstorm. The favor, healing, forgiveness, mercy, love, safety, breakthroughs, and answered prayers are coming in through an abundance of Heavenly rain. God has heard all of your prayers and seen your hard work. Don’t think He’s ignoring you. He’s about to reward you. Thank Him now for what He is about to do for you.

I proclaim God is bringing peace and beauty to my life like flowers blooming in the spring. God’s peace is undeniable. He will show you how to live a peaceful live and no longer be servant to anger or bitterness. Be more observant of how God is working for you throughout the day. You will begin to notice small but mighty signs that God is with you. That’s when He shows you His peace.

I proclaim and declare I’m leaving my old ways. I’m leaving those negative thoughts and sinful desires behind me. I’m saved because of the Cross and now I’m living a brand new life. The old you died with Jesus on the Cross. The person God created you to be was resurrected with Him. God is cleansing you and making you the person you were destined to be!

I proclaim God is transforming me through my prayers. Prayer changes things. It is our time with our Creator to hear His voice, just Him and us alone. It is the time when our cares and worries are given to Him. It is when He listens to our cries and revives us. It is when He instills peace within our hearts. It is when He takes the burdens of the day off of our shoulders and lets us rest in His Heavenly lightness. It is when He touches us and we feel His Spirit present. Prayer is the time when miracles are asked for and given. Nothing will compare to the power prayer holds; no other source can offer us the chance to talk with God and let Him know what we need. Prayer is when we see breakthroughs coming our way. When we see the Light. When we see things shifting. Prayer is a privilege and an honor, not a chore.

I proclaim God is praying for me to grow closer to Him everyday and praying for things that are unnoticed by me. You’d never believe how much God works behind the scenes. He is constantly before you making sure everything runs His way. He is praying for you to grow closer to Him, and protecting you from the harm and darkness of the world. Rest assured your Creator didn’t just make you and forget about you; He is working every second of the day for your dreams to come true.

I proclaim God is taking me deeper into my spiritual journey and faith than ever before. Don’t fear the spiritual journey you are on. Don’t get settled in where you are. God has something bigger in store. Don’t be afraid of change. Every step leads closer to God’s destiny for you.

I proclaim God is using me for His purposes and as an example of His beautiful creations. God has amazing plans and purposes for your life here on Earth; you have a very special place in God’s heart.

I proclaim I will rest in the stillness and wonderful presence of God, Who grants me peace and restores all my energy and faith in Him. Take time daily to hear God speak to you. Turn off all electronics and all distractions, sit down in silence, and just spend time with God. There is no better or more restful feeling.

I proclaim God is speaking to me loud and clear, and He is using my lips to bring praise to His Name. Many times I find God using my mouth to speak wise words beyond my comprehension. There is no other explanation but that it is God speaking through me. This happens to you many times also, I’m sure. Start paying attention to how God speaks through you and uses you for supernatural reasons.

I proclaim God will help me fulfill my destiny and reach the places He wants me to reach. Never doubt the way God times things. Notice how at the end of the storm everything was perfectly planned to make you as strong as you now are.

I proclaim I’m not who I used to be; God has cleansed, redeemed me, and has given me a new identity in Christ. You are not who the world says you are. You are not the person the media wants you to be. You are not who society wants you to be. You are changed by the precious blood of Christ. You are who He says you are.

I proclaim God is using my weaknesses and obstacles in order to make me a testimony of His love, greatness, mercy, and perfection. God wants you to hold on just a little longer. He wants you to tell everyone about Him, how He got you through all the hurdles, and to encourage others that He is real, alive, and still performs miracles today. You are a testimony of God’s goodness.

I proclaim my life has changed for the better by knowing and following God. Once you see Who God really is, how could you ever return to how you used to live? Jesus bled to death for us, nails piercing His flesh and causing Him unthinkable pain—once you understand that, it’s pretty difficult to think about life without Him, because without Him there is no life. No amount of pain in my life compares to the suffering Jesus endured on the Cross, and because of His suffering, all of us are free in Him.

It was either you or Him—He died in your place and carried the burden of your sin—mine too. There is truly no other Love but Jesus Christ!

I proclaim only God can open the door to Heaven. God assures us if we follow Him He will open the gate to His wonderful and perfect Kingdom. He is still alive and on the throne of Heaven today. He is waiting for you to come home. He has a place set for you. No pain of this life can compare to the perfection waiting for us with The Lord in His Kingdom. Ask God to grant you hope for Heaven and for Him to help you visualize Him sitting on the throne, holding you in His perfect arms. There are simply no words to describe how glorious our King is.

He is so patient with us; no matter how many times we fail He continues to wait with us and He holds our hands despite the bad things we’ve done. He does all of this within His Kingdom, a place of sheer perfection, light, healing, love, and glory. Stay in faith, knowing your belief in Him will grant you that spot in Heaven where you can spend eternity seeing Him face to face.

God does not condemn any of His children. No amount of bad can block you from Heaven; all Jesus asks is that you believe in Him and declare Him as your Lord and Savior. He will forgive your sins and let you spend eternity with Him. Never think you aren’t good enough to be with Him. You were made to come home to Him, to see Him again, and look Him in the eyes—and never look back on this life.

Faith Reminder

No amount of words can describe how bright the fire of God’s Love shines, burns, and roars. We cannot even fathom His perfect Love and the grace that He has for us. Also, the pain He endured on the Cross cannot be imagined, and that is why we should commit to giving God all of the glory and be thankful for what He’s done. Use the voice He’s given you to remind yourself of His unfailing Love, Light, and use it to bring inspiration to others hurting or who need to know the power of God.