Where Is My Peace? by John Murphy - HTML preview

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A habit or a problem


In general, habits are not that important; at the same time, they do not need to be there.

Whatever the habit is; it takes time to do.

Do you scratch your head, while you are thinking of an answer?

Do you look away, when you are talking to someone? Do you pretend not to hear, when you are asked to do something?

These are very simple examples and while they may occur at different times in our life, they would not be regarded as a habit and thereby easily ignored. However, as they exist in the first place, there is the likelihood that they will become a permanent fixture, with a possibility of increasing over time, which in turn leads to less time for ourselves.

Peace and quiet is difficult to achieve, when there is so much time wasted doing something that we do not need to do.

What is often described as a habit, is instead a problem. They are a problem for you, for the people around you and an obstruction to your own progress and enjoyment in life.

While you take time to assess your life and to define clearly the difference between the habits you have collected and those that are clearly defined as problems, you should not become judgemental of yourself. Doing  so will add further items to the list of problems to be undone.